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asked 2015-01-23 12:51:35 +0800

Alcardis gravatar image Alcardis

How to use css classes for a behaviour like the list_group example

Hi there!

I'am fairly new to web developement and I'am struggeling with a project of mine that works exactly like the example: zkdemo/listbox/list_group which i can't post as a link cause I'dont have enough karma

The only thing i can't get to work is the mechanic to expand and collapse the Listitems of a group.

I tried the developer tool (F12) of FireFox to look at the Code. With that I found out that the Listitems use css classes like z-listcell, z-listgroup-inner etc. But there is my problem i nearly don't know anything about the css stuff and i haven't found a documentation yet. Does anyone know how I can implement the arrow icon and the expand and collaps feature?

I only have basic css knowledg so I might need some hints ;)

How to do I use css classes for a behaviour like the list_group example

Hi there!

I'am fairly new to web developement and I'am struggeling with a project of mine that works exactly like the example: zkdemo/listbox/list_group which i can't post as a link cause I'dont have enough karma

The only thing i can't get to work is the mechanic to expand and collapse the Listitems of a group.

I tried the developer tool (F12) of FireFox to look at the Code. With that I found out that the Listitems use css classes like z-listcell, z-listgroup-inner etc. But there is my problem i nearly don't know anything about the css stuff and i haven't found a documentation yet. Does anyone know how I can implement the arrow icon and the expand and collaps feature?

I only have basic css knowledg so I might need some hints ;)

How do I use css classes for a behaviour like the list_group example

Hi there!

I'am fairly new to web developement and I'am struggeling with a project of mine that works exactly like the example: zkdemo/listbox/list_group zkdemo/listbox/list_group which i can't post as a link cause I'dont have enough karma

The only thing i can't get to work is the mechanic to expand and collapse the Listitems of a group.

I tried the developer tool (F12) of FireFox to look at the Code. With that I found out that the Listitems use css classes like z-listcell, z-listgroup-inner etc. But there is my problem i nearly don't know anything about the css stuff and i haven't found a documentation yet. Does anyone know how I can implement the arrow icon and the expand and collaps feature?

I only have basic css knowledg so I might need some hints ;)

How do I use css classes for a behaviour like the list_group example

Hi there!

I'am fairly new to web developement and I'am struggeling with a project of mine that works exactly like the example: zkdemo/listbox/list_group [zkdemo/listbox/list_group] which i can't post as a link cause I'dont have enough karma

The only thing i can't get to work is the mechanic to expand and collapse the Listitems of a group.

I tried the developer tool (F12) of FireFox to look at the Code. With that I found out that the Listitems use css classes like z-listcell, z-listgroup-inner etc. But there is my problem i nearly don't know anything about the css stuff and i haven't found a documentation yet. Does anyone know how I can implement the arrow icon and the expand and collaps feature?

I only have basic css knowledg so I might need some hints ;)

The Renderer:

public class FeatureListGroupRenderer implements ListitemRenderer<Object>{

public void render(Listitem item, Object data, int index) throws Exception {
    if(item instanceof Listgroup) {
        FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo groupinfo = (FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo) data;
        Feature feature = groupinfo.getFirstChild();
        String groupTxt;
            case 0:
                groupTxt = feature.getCategory();
            case 1:
                groupTxt = feature.getName();
            case 2:
                groupTxt = feature.getDescription();
                groupTxt = feature.getCategory();
        Listcell cell = new Listcell(groupTxt);
        cell.setClass("z-listcell z-listgroup-inner");
       // item.setStyle("padding-left:20px");

        item.setClass("z-listgroup open-true");
        //item.setAttribute("onOpen", ((Listgroup) item).isOpen());

    } else if (item instanceof Listgroupfoot) {
        Listcell cell = new Listcell();
        cell.appendChild(new Label(" Groupesize: " + data));
    } else {
        Feature feature = (Feature) data;
        item.appendChild(new Listcell(feature.getName()));
        item.appendChild(new Listcell(feature.getDescription()));


The ZUL snippet:

 <div height="165px">
                                    <listbox model="@load(vm.featureGroupsModel)" checkmark="true" onSelect="@command('selectGroup', data=event.reference.value)"
                                             emptyMessage="Keine Daten gefunden." itemRenderer="de.fhdo.model.FeatureListGroupRenderer" multiple="true">
                                             <custom-attributes org.zkoss.zul.listbox.groupSelect="true" />
                                            <listheader hflex="1"/>
                                            <listheader hflex="1"/>
                                        <auxheader style="line-height: 10px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d6f9ff 0%, #9ee8fa 100%);" colspan="2" label="Features"/>
                                    <template name="featuresModel">
                                        <listcell label="@bind(each)">

Codesnippet from the VM:


public void init(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
    Selectors.wireComponents(view, this, false);    

    featureTypesList = new ListModelList<>();

    List<Feature> subfeatures = new ArrayList<>();

    for(Domainvalue feature : zusatzangaben)
        Session hb_session;
        Transaction tx = null;
        List<Domainvalue> dvs = null;

            hb_session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
            tx = hb_session.beginTransaction();

            String hql = "from Domain d where d.domainName=:domainName";
            Domain domain = (Domain)hb_session.createQuery(hql).setParameter("domainName", feature.getDomainDisplay()).uniqueResult(); 

            hql = "from Domainvalue dv where dv.domain=:domain";

            dvs = (List<Domainvalue>)hb_session.createQuery(hql).setParameter("domain", domain.getDomainId()).list();
        catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage());}
            if(tx != null) tx.commit();

        if(dvs != null)
            for(Domainvalue dv : dvs)
                subfeatures.add(new Feature(feature.getDomainDisplay(), dv.getDomainDisplay(), dv.getDomainCode()));
    Object[] array = subfeatures.toArray();

    Feature[] featureArray = new Feature[array.length];
    int index = 0;

    for(Object o : array)
        if(o instanceof Feature)
            featureArray[index] = (Feature)o;

    featureGroupsModel = new FeatureGroupsModel(featureArray, new FeatureComparator());

public void selectGroup(@BindingParam("data") Object data) {
    if(data instanceof FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo)
        FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo groupinfo = (FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo) data;
        int groupIndex = groupinfo.getGroupIndex();
        int childCount = featureGroupsModel.getChildCount(groupIndex);
        boolean added = featureGroupsModel.isSelected(groupinfo);
        for(int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) {
            Feature feature = featureGroupsModel.getChild(groupIndex, childIndex);
            if(added) {
            } else {

How do I use css classes for a behaviour like the list_group example

Hi there!

I'am fairly new to web developement and I'am struggeling with a project of mine that works exactly like the example: [zkdemo/listbox/list_group] which i can't post as a link cause I'dont have enough karma

The only thing i can't get to work is the mechanic to expand and collapse the Listitems of a group.

I tried the developer tool (F12) of FireFox to look at the Code. With that I found out that the Listitems use css classes like z-listcell, z-listgroup-inner etc. But there is my problem i nearly don't know anything about the css stuff and i haven't found a documentation yet. Does anyone know how I can implement the arrow icon and the expand and collaps feature?

I only have basic css knowledg so I might need some hints ;)

The Renderer:

public class FeatureListGroupRenderer implements ListitemRenderer<Object>{

public void render(Listitem item, Object data, int index) throws Exception {
    if(item instanceof Listgroup) {
        FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo groupinfo = (FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo) data;
        Feature feature = groupinfo.getFirstChild();
        String groupTxt;
            case 0:
                groupTxt = feature.getCategory();
            case 1:
                groupTxt = feature.getName();
            case 2:
                groupTxt = feature.getDescription();
                groupTxt = feature.getCategory();
        Listcell cell = new Listcell(groupTxt);
        cell.setClass("z-listcell z-listgroup-inner");
       // item.setStyle("padding-left:20px");

        item.setClass("z-listgroup open-true");
        //item.setAttribute("onOpen", ((Listgroup) item).isOpen());

    } else if (item instanceof Listgroupfoot) {
        Listcell cell = new Listcell();
        cell.appendChild(new Label(" Groupesize: " + data));
    } else {
        Feature feature = (Feature) data;
        item.appendChild(new Listcell(feature.getName()));
        item.appendChild(new Listcell(feature.getDescription()));


The ZUL snippet:

 <div height="165px">
                                    <listbox model="@load(vm.featureGroupsModel)" checkmark="true" onSelect="@command('selectGroup', data=event.reference.value)"
                                             emptyMessage="Keine Daten gefunden." itemRenderer="de.fhdo.model.FeatureListGroupRenderer" multiple="true">
                                             <custom-attributes org.zkoss.zul.listbox.groupSelect="true" />
                                            <listheader hflex="1"/>
                                            <listheader hflex="1"/>
                                        <auxheader style="line-height: 10px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d6f9ff 0%, #9ee8fa 100%);" colspan="2" label="Features"/>
                                    <template name="featuresModel">
                                        <listcell label="@bind(each)">

Codesnippet from the VM:


public void init(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
    Selectors.wireComponents(view, this, false);    

    featureTypesList = new ListModelList<>();

    List<Feature> subfeatures = new ArrayList<>();

    for(Domainvalue feature : zusatzangaben)
        Session hb_session;
        Transaction tx = null;
        List<Domainvalue> dvs = null;

            hb_session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
            tx = hb_session.beginTransaction();

            String hql = "from Domain d where d.domainName=:domainName";
            Domain domain = (Domain)hb_session.createQuery(hql).setParameter("domainName", feature.getDomainDisplay()).uniqueResult(); 

            hql = "from Domainvalue dv where dv.domain=:domain";

            dvs = (List<Domainvalue>)hb_session.createQuery(hql).setParameter("domain", domain.getDomainId()).list();
        catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage());}
            if(tx != null) tx.commit();

        if(dvs != null)
            for(Domainvalue dv : dvs)
                subfeatures.add(new Feature(feature.getDomainDisplay(), dv.getDomainDisplay(), dv.getDomainCode()));
    Object[] array = subfeatures.toArray();

    Feature[] featureArray = new Feature[array.length];
    int index = 0;

    for(Object o : array)
        if(o instanceof Feature)
            featureArray[index] = (Feature)o;

    featureGroupsModel = new FeatureGroupsModel(featureArray, new FeatureComparator());

public void selectGroup(@BindingParam("data") Object data) {
    if(data instanceof FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo)
        FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo groupinfo = (FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo) data;
        int groupIndex = groupinfo.getGroupIndex();
        int childCount = featureGroupsModel.getChildCount(groupIndex);
        boolean added = featureGroupsModel.isSelected(groupinfo);
        for(int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) {
            Feature feature = featureGroupsModel.getChild(groupIndex, childIndex);
            if(added) {
            } else {

How do I use css classes for a behaviour like the list_group example

Hi there!

I'am fairly new to web developement and I'am struggeling with a project of mine that works exactly like the example: [zkdemo/listbox/list_group] which i can't post as a link cause I'dont have enough karma

The only thing i can't get to work is the mechanic to expand and collapse the Listitems of a group.

I tried the developer tool (F12) of FireFox to look at the Code. With that I found out that the Listitems use css classes like z-listcell, z-listgroup-inner etc. But there is my problem i nearly don't know anything about the css stuff and i haven't found a documentation yet. Does anyone know how I can implement the arrow icon and the expand and collaps feature?

I only have basic css knowledg so I might need some hints ;)

The Renderer:

public class FeatureListGroupRenderer implements ListitemRenderer<Object>{

public void render(Listitem item, Object data, int index) throws Exception {
    if(item instanceof Listgroup) {
        FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo groupinfo = (FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo) data;
        Feature feature = groupinfo.getFirstChild();
        String groupTxt;
            case 0:
                groupTxt = feature.getCategory();
            case 1:
                groupTxt = feature.getName();
            case 2:
                groupTxt = feature.getDescription();
                groupTxt = feature.getCategory();
        Listcell cell = new Listcell(groupTxt);
        cell.setClass("z-listcell z-listgroup-inner");
       // item.setStyle("padding-left:20px");

        item.setClass("z-listgroup open-true");
        //item.setAttribute("onOpen", ((Listgroup) item).isOpen());

    } else if (item instanceof Listgroupfoot) {
        Listcell cell = new Listcell();
        cell.appendChild(new Label(" Groupesize: " + data));
    } else {
        Feature feature = (Feature) data;
        item.appendChild(new Listcell(feature.getName()));
        item.appendChild(new Listcell(feature.getDescription()));


The ZUL snippet:

 <div height="165px">
                                    <listbox model="@load(vm.featureGroupsModel)" checkmark="true" onSelect="@command('selectGroup', data=event.reference.value)"
                                             emptyMessage="Keine Daten gefunden." itemRenderer="de.fhdo.model.FeatureListGroupRenderer" multiple="true">
                                             <custom-attributes org.zkoss.zul.listbox.groupSelect="true" />
                                            <listheader hflex="1"/>
                                            <listheader hflex="1"/>
                                        <auxheader style="line-height: 10px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d6f9ff 0%, #9ee8fa 100%);" colspan="2" label="Features"/>
                                    <template name="featuresModel">
                                        <listcell label="@bind(each)">

Codesnippet from the VM:


public void init(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
    Selectors.wireComponents(view, this, false);    

    featureTypesList = new ListModelList<>();

    List<Feature> subfeatures = new ArrayList<>();

    for(Domainvalue feature : features)
        List<Domainvalue> dvs = null;

            dvs = createSubfeaturesFromDomainvalue(feature);
        catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage());}

        if(dvs != null)
            for(Domainvalue dv : dvs)
                subfeatures.add(new Feature(feature.getDomainDisplay(), dv.getDomainDisplay(), dv.getDomainCode()));
    Object[] array = subfeatures.toArray();

    Feature[] featureArray = new Feature[array.length];
    int index = 0;

    for(Object o : array)
        if(o instanceof Feature)
            featureArray[index] = (Feature)o;

    featureGroupsModel = new FeatureGroupsModel(featureArray, new FeatureComparator());

public void selectGroup(@BindingParam("data") Object data) {
    if(data instanceof FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo)
        FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo groupinfo = (FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo) data;
        int groupIndex = groupinfo.getGroupIndex();
        int childCount = featureGroupsModel.getChildCount(groupIndex);
        boolean added = featureGroupsModel.isSelected(groupinfo);
        for(int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) {
            Feature feature = featureGroupsModel.getChild(groupIndex, childIndex);
            if(added) {
            } else {

GroupModel Class

public class FeatureGroupsModel extends GroupsModelArray<Feature, FeatureGroupsModel.FeatureGroupInfo, Object, Object>{

public FeatureGroupsModel(Feature[] data, Comparator<Feature> cmpr) {
    super(data, cmpr);

protected FeatureGroupInfo createGroupHead(Feature[] groupdata, int index, int col){
    return new FeatureGroupInfo(groupdata[0], index, col);

protected Object createGroupFoot(Feature[] groupdata, int index, int col)
    return groupdata.length;

public static class FeatureGroupInfo {
    private Feature firstChild;
    private int groupIndex;
    private int colIndex;

    public FeatureGroupInfo(Feature firstChild, int groupIndex, int colIndex) {
        this.firstChild = firstChild;
        this.groupIndex = groupIndex;
        this.colIndex = colIndex;

    public Feature getFirstChild() {
        return firstChild;
    public int getGroupIndex() {
        return groupIndex;
    public int getColIndex() {
        return colIndex;


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