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asked 2014-09-04 03:51:01 +0800

thangpro gravatar image thangpro

Error popup with long text

i have problem with popup with long text, when i scroll down the popup, the end of that long text is mix with component behind popup

` Popup popup = new Popup(); popup.setWidth("500px"); popup.setHeight((getHeight() / 2) + "px"); popup.setStyle("overflow:scroll;"); String str = ""; if (ketqua.size() == 0) { str = "Nothing wrong"; } else { for (int i = 0; i < ketqua.size(); i++) { str = str + ketqua.get(i).getTaikhoan() + "
" + ketqua.get(i).getThongbao() + "

    Html html = new Html(str);
    popup.setParent(fmisTab_NhapSDDN);, "overlap");`

Can someone help me ? sorry for my bad english

Error popup with long text

i have problem with popup with long text, when i scroll down the popup, the end of that long text is mix with component behind popup

Popup popup = new Popup();
        popup.setHeight((getHeight() / 2) + "px");
        String str = "";
        if (ketqua.size() == 0) {
            str = "Nothing wrong";
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < ketqua.size(); i++) {
                str = str + ketqua.get(i).getTaikhoan() + "
"<br />" + ketqua.get(i).getThongbao() + "

"<br />";

     Html html = new Html(str);
     popup.setParent(fmisTab_NhapSDDN);, "overlap");`

Can someone help me ? sorry for my bad english

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