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asked 2014-05-26 16:20:36 +0800

kalk gravatar image kalk

focus lost after notifychanged

I have a listbox with several listitems. each item contains also a textbox. After editing a textbox I want to refresh the textbox and use notifychage for the whole listbox. This causes that the focus is not any more set to any element

focus lost after notifychanged

I have a listbox with several listitems. each item contains also a textbox. After editing a textbox I want to refresh the textbox and use notifychage for the whole listbox. This causes that the focus is not any more set to any elementelement. I would like to have the focus to set to the textbox in the next item of the listbox. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

focus lost after notifychanged

I have a listbox (in zk 7.0.0) with several listitems. each item contains also a textbox. After editing a textbox I want to refresh the textbox and use notifychage for the whole listbox. This causes that the focus is not any more set to any element. I would like to have the focus to set to the textbox in the next item of the listbox. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

focus lost after notifychanged

I have a listbox (in zk 7.0.0) with several listitems. each item contains also a textbox. After editing a textbox I want to refresh the textbox and use notifychage for the whole listbox. This causes that the focus is not any more set to any element. I would like to have the focus to set to the textbox in the next item of the listbox. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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