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asked 2021-01-11 22:54:16 +0800

aUser gravatar image aUser

ListModelList update property


I'm trying to use ListModelList in order to avoid NotifyChange.

In my .zul page I have something like this:

<grid model="@load(vm.list) @template('row')">
        <template name="row">
                <checkbox checked="@load(each.isModified)" />

And in my bean object i have a utility method that is like this:

public Boolean getIsModified() {
    return "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(this.aString); // aString is a bean property that has getter and setter

Being an utility method, isModified is not a bean property, it's just a simple method.

Whenever i change the aString bean property however, the ListModelList doesn't call this utility method to update the state of the checkbox. Is there a way (except using NotifyChange) to make the ListModelList call this utility method when the property aString is changed?

Also, if i have to reload the data of a ListModelList, why can't i use this?

ListModelList<Object> list = new ListModelList<Object>();
list = new ListModelList<Object>(collection);

Currently i'm using this instead, which is kinda ugly in my opinion..

ListModelList<Object> list = new ListModelList<Object>();

Thank you

ListModelList update property


I'm trying to use ListModelList in order to avoid NotifyChange.

In my .zul page I have something like this:

<grid model="@load(vm.list) @template('row')">
        <template name="row">
                <checkbox checked="@load(each.isModified)" />

And in my bean object i have a utility method that is like this:

public Boolean getIsModified() {
    return "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(this.aString); // aString is a bean property that has getter and setter

Being an utility method, isModified is not a bean property, it's just a simple method.

Whenever i change the aString bean property however, the ListModelList doesn't call this utility method to update the state of the checkbox. Is there a way (except using NotifyChange) to make the ListModelList call this utility method when the property aString is changed?

Also, if i have to reload the data of a ListModelList, why can't i use this?

ListModelList<Object> list = new ListModelList<Object>();
list = new ListModelList<Object>(collection);

Currently i'm using this instead, which is kinda ugly in my opinion..

ListModelList<Object> list = new ListModelList<Object>();

Thank you

EDIT: I solved the first problem using list.notifyChange(item); from java code when i update an item.

ListModelList update property


I'm trying to use ListModelList in order to avoid NotifyChange.

In my .zul page I have something like this:

<grid model="@load(vm.list) @template('row')">
        <template name="row">
                <checkbox checked="@load(each.isModified)" />

And in my bean object i have a utility method that is like this:

public Boolean getIsModified() {
    return "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(this.aString); // aString is a bean property that has getter and setter

Being an utility method, isModified is not a bean property, it's just a simple method.

Whenever i change the aString bean property however, the ListModelList doesn't call this utility method to update the state of the checkbox. Is there a way (except using NotifyChange) to make the ListModelList call this utility method when the property aString is changed?

Also, if i have to reload the data of a ListModelList, why can't i use this?

ListModelList<Object> list = new ListModelList<Object>();
ListModelList<Object>(); // initialization
public void updateCollection() {
    list = new ListModelList<Object>(collection);

Currently i'm using this instead, which is kinda ugly in my opinion..

ListModelList<Object> list = new ListModelList<Object>();
ListModelList<Object>(); // initialization
public void updateCollection() {

Thank you

EDIT: I solved the first problem using list.notifyChange(item); from java code when i update an item.

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