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asked 2017-09-08 15:28:48 +0800

LuigiFabbri gravatar image LuigiFabbri

how reverse order onCheckSelectAll , onSelect Events


in the listbox with checkmark the onCheckSelectAll event is triggered after the onSelect event, can I reverse the execution order of these two events? I want to let onCheckSelectAll is triggered before the onSelect event

how reverse order onCheckSelectAll , onSelect Events


in the listbox with checkmark the onCheckSelectAll event is triggered after the onSelect event, can I reverse the execution order of these two events? I want to let onCheckSelectAll is triggered before the onSelect eventevent.

how reverse order onCheckSelectAll , onSelect EventsEvents ??


in the listbox with checkmark the onCheckSelectAll event is triggered after the onSelect event, can I reverse the execution order of these two events? I want to let onCheckSelectAll is triggered before the onSelect event.

how reverse order onCheckSelectAll , onSelect Events ???


in the listbox with checkmark the onCheckSelectAll event is triggered after the onSelect event, can I reverse the execution order of these two events? I want to let onCheckSelectAll is triggered before the onSelect event.

how reverse order onCheckSelectAll , onSelect Events ?


in the listbox with checkmark the onCheckSelectAll event is triggered after the onSelect event, can I reverse the execution order of these two events? I want to let onCheckSelectAll is triggered before the onSelect event.

My zul:

<oasigrlistbox oncheckselectall="@command('selectAllRows',gridname='gr')" onselect="@command('rowSelect',cmp=self)" &gt;<="" p="">

how reverse order onCheckSelectAll , onSelect Events ?


in the listbox with checkmark the onCheckSelectAll event is triggered after the onSelect event, can I reverse the execution order of these two events? I want to let onCheckSelectAll is triggered before the onSelect event.

My zul:

<oasigrlistbox oncheckselectall="@command('selectAllRows',gridname='gr')" onselect="@command('rowSelect',cmp=self)" &gt;<="" p=""> onselect="@command('rowSelect',cmp=self)">

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