unwanted logging of custom WrongValueException

asked 2014-02-21 10:53:23 +0800

chillworld gravatar image chillworld flag of Belgium
5367 4 9

updated 2014-02-21 12:20:50 +0800

Hi all,

Now I have made some constraint with java code. Everything works great. There is just one thing that bothers me.

We throw a new WrongValueException(Component comp, String message);

Now in mine logging I can see this and it comes from :


The method of that class :

public void call(Object base, Method method) {
Class<?>[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
    java.lang.annotation.Annotation[][] parmAnnos = method.getParameterAnnotations();
    Object[] params = new Object[paramTypes.length];
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
            params[i] = resolveParameter(parmAnnos[i],paramTypes[i]);
        method.invoke(base, params);
    } catch(InvocationTargetException invokEx){ 
        //Ian YT Tsai (2012.06.20), while InvocationTargetException,
        //using original exception is much meaningful.
        Throwable c = invokEx.getCause();
        if(c == null) c = invokEx;
        _log.error(c);  // line 117.
        throw UiException.Aide.wrap(c);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw UiException.Aide.wrap(e);

Now this is for me NOT an error to be logged(user stupidity I don't log), and I don't want a complete stacktrace ruining mine log.

How can I fix this that mine log stays clean?

Greetz chill.

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3 Answers

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answered 2015-01-04 01:15:05 +0800

snaef999 gravatar image snaef999
6 1

Push again...I wish I had and answer for this also. I need to do some research, but there is something about the Expectable type that may accomplish this.

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answered 2014-11-11 21:30:48 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16


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answered 2014-10-29 12:20:29 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

PUSH !!!!!

Is there a way to stop the logging for that?

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Asked: 2014-02-21 10:53:23 +0800

Seen: 22 times

Last updated: Jan 04 '15

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