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answered 2014-12-07 11:33:24 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany

This is all done by the spring-security self!

If it's well configurated the spring-security uses the users session that comes from the browser. The authentication is cleared immediatelly if you log out correctly. Otherwise it's cleared if the session is time out.

you can get at any place in the applications code the authentication object with this:

Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

best Stephan

PS: Have a look on ZKBoost. it's all in there.

This is all done by the spring-security self!

If it's well configurated the spring-security uses the users session that comes from the browser. The authentication is cleared immediatelly if you log out correctly.


Otherwise it's cleared if the session is time out.

you can get at any place in the applications code the authentication object with this:

Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

best Stephan

PS: Have a look on ZKBoost. it's all in there.

This is all done by the spring-security self!

If it's well configurated the spring-security uses the users session that comes from the browser. The authentication is cleared immediatelly if you log out correctly.


Otherwise it's cleared if the session is time out.

you can get at any place in the applications code the authentication object with this:

Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

best Stephan

PS: Have a look on ZKBoost. ZKBoost. it's all in there.

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