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answered 2013-01-31 16:46:47 +0800

kryselmire gravatar image kryselmire


The issue is not with the listbox populating itself, but instead with the layout it is held withing. This has been added to the ZK Bug Tracker: ZK-1604

For those of you that manage to stumble onto the same issue I did, Here is the cause:

This error is due to the following pattern of containers/objects. [code]


<columnlayout> <columnchildren> <listbox model="@load(vm.dataset)"> .... </listbox> </columnchildren> </columnlayout>

[/code] The initial load does not cause any problems. But once the data is refreshed, a window appears on the UI with the above error.

If the columnlayout is removed as so: [code] <borderlayout>

<listbox model="@load(vm.dataset)"> .... </listbox>
</borderlayout> [/code] the error does not appear on data reload.


The issue is not with the listbox populating itself, but instead with the layout it is held withing. This has been added to the ZK Bug Tracker: ZK-1604

For those of you that manage to stumble onto the same issue I did, Here is the cause:

This error is due to the following pattern of containers/objects. [code]


<center> <columnlayout> <columnchildren> <listbox model="@load(vm.dataset)"> .... </listbox> </columnchildren> </columnlayout>

</center> </borderlayout>

[/code] The initial load does not cause any problems. But once the data is refreshed, a window appears on the UI with the above error.

If the columnlayout is removed as so: [code] [code]


<center> <listbox model="@load(vm.dataset)"> .... </listbox>
</center> </borderlayout>

[/code] the error does not appear on data reload.

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