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answered 2022-08-05 15:10:53 +0800

vjulien gravatar image vjulien


You are right, i meant uploading* instead of downloading*.

We do not customize fileupload-done.html.dsp on our side. My zul looks like this: <button label="${i18n:tr('cours.bibiotheque.document.televerser')}" forward="onTeleverser()"/>

the Composer looks like this: public void onTeleverser() throws InterruptedException { media = Fileupload.get(true); if (media == null) {

we override the template of the Fileupload with the following file:


You are right, i meant uploading* instead of downloading*.

We do not customize fileupload-done.html.dsp on our side. My zul looks like this: <button label="${i18n:tr('cours.bibiotheque.document.televerser')}" forward="onTeleverser()"/>

the Composer looks like this: public void onTeleverser() throws InterruptedException { media = Fileupload.get(true); if (media == null) {

we override the template of the Fileupload with the following file: https:// / linux /zk/zul/src/archive/web/zul/html/fileuploaddlg.zul


You are right, i meant uploading* instead of downloading*.

We do not customize fileupload-done.html.dsp on our side. My zul looks like this: <button label="${i18n:tr('cours.bibiotheque.document.televerser')}" forward="onTeleverser()"/>

the Composer looks like this: public void onTeleverser() throws InterruptedException { media = Fileupload.get(true); if (media == null) {

we override the template of the Fileupload with the following file: https:// / linux /zk/zul/src/archive/web/zul/html/fileuploaddlg.zul

Even if i disable to override of the template of FileUpload, it still aint working as well

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