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answered 2020-09-28 10:58:22 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

The known issue, that seems to match your case is ZK-3700 which was fixed in 8.5.0 (3 years ago). For 7.0.8 there's no patch available.

As an alternative, scripts can be loaded and removed in multiple ways. Based on your description it doesn't sound like removing the script and re-loading/re-executing it again will actually solve your license issues. Did you mean to load/execute it only once instead and then keep it in the browser until it's needed next time?

If you already have a custom widget associated with your 3rd party script you can load it from inside the widget package descriptor (.wpd file), which will load a script on demand only once (as used by any zk widget internally) using the <script>-element.

The known issue, that seems to match your case is ZK-3700 which was fixed in 8.5.0 (3 years ago). For 7.0.8 there's no patch available.

As an alternative, scripts can be loaded and removed in multiple ways. Based on your description it doesn't sound like removing the script and re-loading/re-executing it again will actually solve your license issues. Did you mean to load/execute it only once instead and then keep it in the browser until it's needed next time?

If you already have a custom widget associated with your 3rd party script you can load it from inside the widget package descriptor (.wpd file), which will load a script on demand only once (as used by any zk widget internally) using the <script>-element.<script>-element.

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