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answered 2019-12-05 13:00:02 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

Thanks for posting a running example, it illustrates the problem quite well, I created a simplified reproducing code to point out that there's nothing wrong with your MVVM code. Apparently <chosenbox> has a problem with an initially empty model.

As soon as you add at least one item to the model initially things start working ... however you also cannot remove this initial dummy item later (another problem).

So if your real scenario always has some initial items, the component works much better. Also you don't need to remove user created items (example), this even lets the user remove and re-select previously typed items, without giving the duplicate items.

Thanks for posting a running example, it illustrates the problem quite well, I created a simplified reproducing code to point out that there's nothing wrong with your MVVM code. Apparently <chosenbox> has a problem with an initially empty model.

As soon as you add at least one item to the model initially things start working ... however you also cannot remove this initial dummy item later (another problem).

So if your real scenario always has some initial items, the component works much better. Also you don't need to remove user created items (example), this even lets the user remove and re-select previously typed items, without giving the duplicate items.items as in your (Q1)

Thanks for posting a running example, it illustrates the problem quite well, I created a simplified reproducing code to point out that there's nothing wrong with your MVVM code. Apparently <chosenbox> has a problem with an initially empty model.

As soon as you add at least one item to the model initially things start working ... however you also cannot remove this initial dummy item later (another problem).

So if your real scenario always has some initial items, the component works much better. Also you don't need to remove user created items (example), this even lets the user remove and re-select previously typed items, without giving the duplicate items as in your (Q1)

related bug report: ZK-4446

Thanks for posting a running example, it illustrates the problem quite well, I created a simplified reproducing code to point out that there's nothing wrong with your MVVM code. Apparently <chosenbox> has a problem with an initially empty model.

As soon as you add at least one item to the model initially things start working ... however you also cannot remove this initial dummy item later (another problem).

So if your real scenario always has some initial items, the component works much better. Also you don't need to remove user created items (example), this even lets the user remove and re-select previously typed items, without giving the duplicate items as in your (Q1)

related bug report: ZK-4446

UPDATE 2020-03-25: ZK-4446 will be fixed in 9.0.1 - currently testable in FL version 9.0.1.FL.20200320(-Eval)

Thanks for posting a running example, it illustrates the problem quite well, I created a simplified reproducing code to point out that there's nothing wrong with your MVVM code. Apparently <chosenbox> has a problem with an initially empty model.

As soon as you add at least one item to the model initially things start working ... however you also cannot remove this initial dummy item later (another problem).

So if your real scenario always has some initial items, the component works much better. Also you don't need to remove user created items (example), this even lets the user remove and re-select previously typed items, without giving the duplicate items as in your (Q1)

related bug report: ZK-4446

UPDATE 2020-03-25: ZK-4446 will be fixed in 9.0.1 - currently testable available for testing in FL version 9.0.1.FL.20200320(-Eval)

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