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answered 2019-11-14 14:28:21 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

in such cases I use a system scoped dependency, even though it's deprecated it often helps during local development. I usually create a folder /lib-ext below my project. And place local jars there, then I add a system dependency like this:


in such cases I use a system scoped dependency, even though it's deprecated it often helps during local development. I usually create a folder /lib-ext below my project. And place local jars there, then I add a system dependency like this:


An not deprecated alternative is to place the jar into a local repository:

in such cases I use a system scoped dependency, even though it's deprecated deprecated it often helps during local development. I usually create a folder /lib-ext below my project. And place local jars there, then I add a system dependency like this:


An not deprecated alternative is to place the jar into a local repository:

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