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answered 2019-09-24 10:09:07 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

I don't think this 3rd party plugin draggable-points will, be included in the next version, since it's already deprecated. Instead it says draggable functionality will be provided by Highcharts by default plotOptions.series.dragDrop (since 6.2.0).

The next major version of ZK Charts will contain an updated Highcharts version anyway which should include the dragDrop automatically.

I don't think this 3rd party plugin draggable-points will, be included in the next version, since it's already deprecated. Instead it says draggable functionality will be provided by Highcharts by default plotOptions.series.dragDrop (since 6.2.0).

The next major version of ZK Charts will contain an updated Highcharts version anyway which should include the dragDrop automatically.

related Feature Request: ZKCHARTS-84

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