Unsupported child for panel : <Label null>

asked 2009-04-06 13:29:50 +0800

Klem gravatar image Klem
30 2

Hi all....I'm having a weird error.....

Cause: Unsupported child for Panel: <Label null>
org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException: Unsupported child for Panel: <Label null>
	at org.zkoss.zul.Panel.insertBefore(Panel.java:547)

The wierd thing is that I do not have labels as child of a panel, unless that I know of....I tried removing ALL of the labal tags but the error is still the same

Any input is appreciated

<zk xmlns="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul">
    <zscript src="zs/acc_update_funct.zs" defferred="true"/>
    <window title="${c:l('set.title')}" border="normal" width="100%" id="settings" use="eu.bsq.mobipublish.Settings" style="text-align:center;">
        <hbox width="100%">
                <panel style="margin-bottom:10px" border="normal" width="98%" collapsible="true" title="${c:l('set.spaceinfo')}">
                        <grid fixedLayout="true">
                            </columns >
                                    <label value="${c:l('set.created')}"/>
                                    <label id="created"/>
                                    <label value="${c:l('set.modified')}" />
                                    <label id="modified"/>
                                    <label value="${c:l('set.expires')}" />
                                    <label id="expires"/>
                                    <label value="${c:l('set.buymore')} *" />
                                    <buynow amount="79.99" id="paypal2" itemName="mobiself extension" itemNumber="2" disabled="true"/>
                <panel style="margin-bottom:10px" border="normal" width="98%" collapsible="true" title="${c:l('set.space')}">
                            <label value="${c:l('set.spacelang')}" />
                                <combobox id="combolang" />
                                <button id="udpatelang" label="${c:l('set.changelang')}"  onClick="settings.updateSpaceLang();"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('set.spacestatus')}" />
                                <button id="spacebutt" onClick="settings.updateSpaceStatus();"/>
                                <image src="/resources/images/help.png" style="cursor:help;" tooltip="help.spacestatus"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('set.spacerestriction')}" />
                                <button id="spacecont" onClick="settings.updateSpaceRestriction();"/>
                                <image src="/resources/images/help.png" style="cursor:help;" tooltip="help.spacesrestrict"/>
                <panel style="margin-bottom:10px" border="normal" width="98%" collapsible="true" title="${c:l('set.pass')}">
                            </columns >
                                    <label value="${c:l('set.newpass')} *"/>
                                    <textbox type="password" id="newpass"/>
                                    <label value="${c:l('set.confpass')} *" />
                                    <textbox type="password" id="confpass"/>
                        <button id="udpatepass" label="${c:l('set.changepass')}"  onClick="settings.updatePassword();"/>
                <panel style="margin-bottom:10px" border="normal" width="98%" collapsible="true" title="${c:l('set.sub')}">
                        <radiogroup id="subscription">
                                <radio label="${c:l('acc.subfree')}"  value="1" />
                                <radio label="${c:l('acc.subspons')}" value="2" />
                                <hbox id="paybox">
                                    <buynow amount="79.99" id="paypal" itemName="mobiself subscription" itemNumber="1" disabled="true"/>
            <panel style="margin-bottom:10px" border="normal" width="98%" collapsible="true" title="${c:l('set.perso')}">
                        </columns >
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.name')} *"/>
                                <textbox id="name" constraint="no empty :${c:l('acc.mandatory')}"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.fname')} *"/>
                                <textbox id="fname" constraint="no empty:${c:l('acc.mandatory')}"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.company')}"/>
                                <textbox id="company"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.job')}"/>
                                <textbox id="job"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.address')}"/>
                                <textbox id="address"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.city')}"/>
                                <textbox id="city"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.zip')}"/>
                                <textbox id="zip"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.country')}"/>
                                <combobox id="country" />
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.phone')}"/>
                                <textbox id="phone"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.fax')}"/>
                                <textbox id="fax"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.website')}"/>
                                <textbox id="website"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.email')} *"/>
                                <textbox id="email" constraint="/.+@.+\.+/,no empty: ${c:l('acc.wrongemail')}"/>
                                <label value="${c:l('acc.newsletter')} *"/>
                                <button id="newsletter" onClick="settings.updateSubscriptionStatus();"/>
                    <button id="save" label="${c:l('set.save')} " onClick="settings.save();" />
            <panel style="margin-bottom:10px" border="normal" width="98%" collapsible="true" title="${c:l('acc.dellabel')}">
                        <label value="${c:l('acc.delwarning')}" />
                        <button id="delete" label="${c:l('acc.delbutton')}" onClick="settings.deleteSpace()"/>

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4 Replies

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answered 2009-04-06 19:21:51 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16

that's really wired.

Please take a try with a whole header

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<zk xmlns="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul/zul.xsd">
<?taglib uri="http://www.zkoss.org/dsp/web/core" prefix="c"?>

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answered 2009-05-13 13:59:32 +0800

Klem gravatar image Klem
30 2

updated 2009-05-13 14:00:07 +0800

Thanx for the reply..I've been busy somewhere else...

I actually found the mistake


The doubled end of tag seems to be casted as a label by the parser/interpreter for it was considered as raw text....

Is this the regular ZK beahvior to cast as label everything that is outside of markup? If yes, I'd like to know why...

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answered 2009-05-13 14:10:38 +0800

james gravatar image james
255 2

That is the regular behavior...
I think it does that because that is a typical behavior in mark up languages, is it not?
html for example. text outside of mark up is simply displayed on the page.
I would assume zk does this for the same basic reasons,
or perhaps even to just keep the normal/common way of things.
... at least that's my opinion

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answered 2009-05-13 14:22:35 +0800

Klem gravatar image Klem
30 2

Well actually makes sense....If you thinkl about it, XML is even stricter for outside of markup content basically "destroys" the file

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Asked: 2009-04-06 13:29:50 +0800

Seen: 1,214 times

Last updated: May 13 '09

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