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asked 2015-09-24 16:53:16 +0800

eclipse1 gravatar image eclipse1

Change the value of one property from the middle object when another property is changed


I needed to implement a mechanism to put defaults in dependent fields.

Based on observers we created the following ZKFiddle example:

The mechanism described in the example works but did not expect to be required to notify the changes made to the form since the objects are bound in zul.

Why the next code it's necessary?

@Command public void notifyChanges(){ BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null,null,this.observableForm,"value"); }

Thank you all :)

Change the value of one property from the middle object when another property is changedForm Bind - Default values in dependent fields


I needed to implement a mechanism to put defaults in dependent fields.

Based on observers we created the following ZKFiddle example:

The mechanism described in the example works but did not expect to be required to notify the changes made to the form since the objects are bound in zul.

Why the next code it's necessary?

@Command public void notifyChanges(){ BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null,null,this.observableForm,"value"); }

Thank you all :)

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