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asked 2014-09-22 15:40:37 +0800

PeteMorgan gravatar image PeteMorgan

Combobox with an enum (MVVM)


Is there a way to maximise a panel from one of my buttons. That is, I do not want to use the panel's maximizable="true" attribute. Instead I want the maximise button in radically different location. I've fiddled with CSS and quite honestly it is painful to move the ZK max button that way. So I was wondering if there is a way to say maximizable="false" and then add my own button somewhere and onClick have it issue a command to cause the panel to maximise. Also I'd quite like to spot if the panel is maximised and then change the button to say minimise. Worse case I can live without that and just use some generic icon that does both max and minimise.

Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Kind regards


Combobox with an enum Panel maximise manually (MVVM)


Is there a way to maximise a panel from one of my buttons. That is, I do not want to use the panel's maximizable="true" attribute. Instead I want the maximise button in radically different location. I've fiddled with CSS and quite honestly it is painful to move the ZK max button that way. So I was wondering if there is a way to say maximizable="false" and then add my own button somewhere and onClick have it issue a command to cause the panel to maximise. Also I'd quite like to spot if the panel is maximised and then change the button to say minimise. Worse case I can live without that and just use some generic icon that does both max and minimise.

Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Kind regards


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