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asked 2014-06-03 12:57:23 +0800

sitansu gravatar image sitansu

Is there any way to remove xhtml tag

Hi there ,

I have requirement to remove xhtml tag and design into zk component .I am try to design it broderlayout but i am unable to found any solution .

I create a fiddle see here:

So anyone can help me how to remove the "<x:table &gt;<x:tr=""><x:td>" and design it with zk component.

Is there any way to remove xhtml tag

Hi there ,

I have requirement to remove xhtml tag and design into zk component .I am try to design it broderlayout but i am unable to found any solution .

I create a fiddle see here:

So anyone can help me how to remove the "<x:table &gt;<x:tr=""><x:td>" &gt;,<x:tr="">,<x:td>" and design it with zk component.



Is there any way to remove xhtml tag

Hi there ,

I have requirement to remove xhtml tag and design into zk component .I am try to design it broderlayout absolutelayout but i am unable to found any solution .

I create a fiddle see here:

So anyone can help me how to remove the "<x:table &gt;,<x:tr="">,<x:td>" and design it with zk component.



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