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asked 2013-05-17 10:51:03 +0800

Senthilchettyin gravatar image Senthilchettyin flag of India

ZK MVVM Combox box Data binding


I just want to know how to set value and label for Combo box in MVVM ?

Say for example, i have state table which contains statecode and statename. In the combo box, as label i want to show statecode + "-" + statement. But while saving into the database, i want to save only statecode.

How we can do this ?

ZK MVVM Combox box Data binding


I just want to know how to set value and label for Combo box in MVVM ?

Say for example, i have state table which contains statecode and statename. In the combo box, as label i want to show statecode + "-" + statement. statename. But while saving into the database, i want to save only statecode.

How we can do this ?

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