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asked 2013-04-25 17:16:40 +0800

v120680 gravatar image v120680

ZK renders blank screen even if zul components viewed via IE view source

Im using ZK 6.0.2 to create a simple search screen. The search has few fields when the age loads at times we are getting blank screen. When tried view source in IE it shows the HTML Doc with the zul components in the page with-in script called zkmx. the view source content <script class="z-runonce" type="text/javascript">zkmx(.... ['zul.wnd.Window','tJzP0',{id:'rcoWindow',$$onSize:false,$$onMaximize:false,$$onOpen:false,$$onMinimize:false,$$onZIndex:false,$onClose:true,$$onMove:false},[ ['zul.utl.Script','tJzP1',{},[]], ['zul.layout.Borderlayout','tJzP2',{height:'57px',prolog:'\n \n \n '},[ ['zul.layout.West','tJzP3',{$$onOpen:false,$$onSize:false,width:'170px',style:'background:black',border:'none'},[ ['zul.wgt.Image','tJzP4',{style:'padding:2px',src:'/omgui/images/omgui-logo3.gif'},[]]]],

When we used Developer tool the HTM Tab contet was empty with simple div and body tags. BUt hte Scripts tab showed the content like above. It hapens once after the login for few attempts then on repeated try it loads the components in the page.

ZK renders blank screen even if zul components viewed via IE view source

Im using ZK 6.0.2 to create a simple search screen. The search has few fields when the age loads at times we are getting blank screen. When tried view source in IE it shows the HTML Doc with the zul components in the page with-in script called zkmx. the view source content

 <script class="z-runonce" type="text/javascript">zkmx(....
['zul.layout.Borderlayout','tJzP2',{height:'57px',prolog:'\n  \n   \n  '},[


When we used Developer tool the HTM Tab contet was empty with simple div and body tags. BUt hte Scripts tab showed the content like above. It hapens once after the login for few attempts then on repeated try it loads the components in the page.

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