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asked 2013-03-20 16:19:12 +0800

Sagar124 gravatar image Sagar124

How to disable error popup when constraint = "no empty" have been used in the Textbox?

Whenever I left any field black with constraint = "no empty" in textbox it shows popup with message that this field should not be null. Now, once I click on the cross for that tag it should be disappear forever until I refresh that page. But as I click on some other component it popups again with same message, Which is very annoying. So, please suggest me how to disable that feature after closing it once.

  Thanks in advance for your kind help.

How to disable error popup when constraint = "no empty" have been used in the Textbox?

Whenever I left any field black with constraint = "no empty" empty" in textbox textbox it shows popup with message that this field should not be null. Now, once I click on the cross for that tag it should be disappear forever until I refresh that page. But as I click on some other component it popups again with same message, Which is very annoying. So, please suggest me how to disable that feature after closing it once.

  Thanks in advance for your kind help.
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