Access EJB in ViewModel

asked 2013-03-06 12:59:56 +0800

zulq gravatar image zulq

How can I access and EJB in a VM. I am trying to use pure Java EE 6 as backend as I found spring hard to understand compare to Java EE 6. My setup is as follows:

Eclipse Enterprise Application Project with modules { EJB Module and ZK Web Module}. I've created Users Entiy and UsersEJB to fetch all users and return a list. I am not getting any ejb exceptions but when I tried to get usersList in zul page I am getting NullPointerException.

Any help or documentation how to use EJB as backend for ViewModels.


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I don't use EJBs any more, but ZK will work just fine with them. Look up some tutorials on using an EJB in a servlet and make sure your project has a simple HelloWorld servlet and see if accessing your EJB in there works. Sounds like you might be new to using EJBs in general.

rickcr ( 2013-03-09 04:02:19 +0800 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-03-11 03:21:20 +0800

dennis gravatar image dennis
3679 1 6

It is just like you use EJB in any servlet. ViewModel are running in servlet-thread. if you are using spring to help you access EJB, please read http://books.zkoss.org/wiki/ZK%20Developer's%20Reference/Integration/Middleware%20Layer/Spring

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Asked: 2013-03-06 12:59:56 +0800

Seen: 30 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '13

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