Paging not updated when data is empty [closed]

asked 2018-10-18 00:33:48 +0800

CopitoDeNieve gravatar image CopitoDeNieve
3 1

updated 2018-10-18 00:34:42 +0800

Hi people!

I recently got assigned to maintaining an app at work which uses ZK. Just getting into it.

It's made with pure Java, no zul. Mostly divided into Richlet and Render classes.

I have a grid that shows info based on search parameters. When two subsequent searches have results, the paging refreshes correctly, but when I perform a search with results, and a search without results afterwards, the information disappears (as expected) but the paging stays the same. For example, if the first search returned 18 pages of data, the second search (with no data) clears the grid but the 18 empty pages stay. Isn't setModel supposed to refresh paging?

This loads the results into the grid:

protected void loadProperties(List<GdiLogDTO> lista, Boolean keepActualPage) {
if (!keepActualPage) {
grid.setModel(new SimpleListModel(lista));


And this is where the grid is created:

    this.grid = new Grid();
    grid.setStyle("border:1px solid #CECECE");
    grid.setRowRenderer(new GdiLogsRender());

Thanks in advance!

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, right answer was accepted" by cor3000
close date 2018-10-19 10:15:12

1 Answer

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answered 2018-10-18 12:12:43 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000
6280 2 7

updated 2018-10-18 12:14:28 +0800

This sounds like issue ZK-1869 - likely fixed since 6.5.4. Which version are you using?

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Asked: 2018-10-18 00:33:48 +0800

Seen: 6 times

Last updated: Oct 18 '18

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