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answered 2015-08-26 11:25:53 +0800

chillworld gravatar image chillworld flag of Belgium

I have a small workaround for this problem.

If you use a validator you can doe this :


private final Validator emptyCKEditorValidator = new AbstractValidator() {

    public void validate(ValidationContext ctx) {
        String val = (String) ctx.getProperty().getValue();
        if (val == null || "".equals(val.trim())) {
            Clients.wrongValue(ctx.getBindContext().getComponent(), Messages.get(MZul.EMPTY_NOT_ALLOWED));
            addInvalidMessage(ctx, "");

Zul :

<ckeditor customConfigurationsPath="/js/ckeditor-config.js" value="@bind(fx.description) @validator(vm.emptyCKEditorValidator)" height="250px" />

This will trigger when fx will be saved.

Small explication :

The Clients.wrongValue(Component,String) will set the popup for the CKEditor.
The Messages.get(MZul.EMPTY_NOT_ALLOWED) will get the I18N from zul-x.x.x.x.jar.
If you use the MZul class, it's a little more readable then if you use the code directly from the file.
So, this means that I have I18N activated for this and have the same message as constraint="no empty".

I still do the addInvalidMessage(ctx,"") because otherwise it will trigger the save command.

Greetz chill.

I have a small workaround for this problem.

If you use a validator you can doe do this :


private final Validator emptyCKEditorValidator = new AbstractValidator() {

    public void validate(ValidationContext ctx) {
        String val = (String) ctx.getProperty().getValue();
        if (val == null || "".equals(val.trim())) {
            Clients.wrongValue(ctx.getBindContext().getComponent(), Messages.get(MZul.EMPTY_NOT_ALLOWED));
            addInvalidMessage(ctx, "");

Zul :

<ckeditor customConfigurationsPath="/js/ckeditor-config.js" value="@bind(fx.description) @validator(vm.emptyCKEditorValidator)" height="250px" />

This will trigger when fx will be saved.

Small explication :

The Clients.wrongValue(Component,String) will set the popup for the CKEditor.
The Messages.get(MZul.EMPTY_NOT_ALLOWED) will get the I18N from zul-x.x.x.x.jar.
If you use the MZul class, it's a little more readable then if you use the code directly from the file.
So, this means that I have I18N activated for this and have the same message as constraint="no empty".

I still do the addInvalidMessage(ctx,"") because otherwise it will trigger the save command.

Greetz chill.

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