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answered 2013-03-27 01:28:35 +0800

hawk gravatar image hawk

http://hawkphoenix.blogsp... ZK Team

Hi, ZK has deprecated HibernateUtil of zkplus. You have to write a utility class by yourself. The page you reference is old. please refer to new page : ZKDeveloper's Reference/Integration/PersistenceLayer/Hibernate

Hi, ZK has deprecated HibernateUtil of zkplus. You have to write a utility class by yourself. The page you reference There is old. please refer to new page : an example of utility class in ZKZK Developer's Reference/Integration/PersistenceReference/Integration/Persistence Layer/Hibernate

Hi, ZK has deprecated HibernateUtil of zkplus. You have to write a utility class to get Hibernate sessions by yourself. There is an example of utility class in ZK Developer's Reference/Integration/Persistence Layer/Hibernate

Hi, Hibernate API has changed between 3 and 4, and ZK has also deprecated HibernateUtil of zkplus. You have to write a utility class to get Hibernate sessions by yourself. There is an example of utility class in ZK Developer's Reference/Integration/Persistence Layer/Hibernate

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