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answered 2013-02-06 17:14:16 +0800

rdgrimes gravatar image rdgrimes

I realize this is an old thread, but just stumbled across it.

Actually, there is a much simpler solution to this problem that requires you to override a couple of CSS rules:

.z-combobox-rounded-pp {
    display:                inline-block;
    max-height:             160px;
    overflow-x:             hidden;
.z-comboitem a,
.z-comboitem a:visited {    
    line-height:            20px;

So, in this case, I want each comboitem to have a 40px height, and I want four items to show, with the remaining combobox items available via scrolling. The above CSS will do the trick.

I realize this is an old thread, but just stumbled across it.

Actually, there is a much simpler solution to this problem that requires you to override a couple of CSS rules:

.z-combobox-rounded-pp {
    display:                inline-block;
    max-height:             160px;
    overflow-x:             hidden;
.z-comboitem a,
.z-comboitem a:visited {    
    line-height:            20px;

So, in this case, I want each comboitem to have a 40px height, and I want four items to show, with the remaining combobox items available via scrolling. The above CSS will do the trick.

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