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answered 2018-02-23 11:28:27 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

there are several ways to customize the icon. I gathered a few examples (including one using a png icon) in this ZK fiddle example.

It shows how the standard icon in the ::before pseudo element can be hidden:

.z-bandbox .z-bandbox-icon::before {
    display: none;

I hope this helps.


there are several ways to customize the icon. I gathered a few examples (including one using a png icon) in this ZK fiddle example.

It shows how the standard icon in the ::before pseudo element can be hidden:

.z-bandbox .z-bandbox-icon::before {
    display: none;

I hope this helps.helps. The example was tested using ZK 8.5.0 if a different version is required and the current approach causes problems please let me know.


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