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asked 2014-09-28 12:46:27 +0800

shraddhadixit89 gravatar image shraddhadixit89

grouping inside group of listbox in zk

I am using listbox and grouping some listItems. Problem I am facing is I have grouped my items using GroupsModelArray class but i again want to group inside group. say for eg here i have grouped by birth now I want to again group inside birth by regular & optional. can anyone suggest me something?

grouping inside group of listbox in zk

I am using listbox and grouping some listItems. Problem I am facing is I have grouped my items using GroupsModelArray class but i again want to group inside group. say for eg here i have grouped by birth now I want to again group inside birth by regular & optional. can anyone suggest me something? for example: i have list of vaccines i have grouped them by birth/6 weeks/12 weeks etc now inside birth i want to group them by regular/optional. code:

GroupsModelArray groupModel = new GroupsModelArray(listValue, new RowLabelComparator("null",true)); // null in argument is not in use, its just to initialize constructor. elementObj.setModel(groupModel); if(elementObj instanceof Listbox) { ItemRendererArray itemRenderer = new ItemRendererArray(); if(gridDef != null) { itemRenderer.setGridDef(gridDef); }
elementObj.setItemRenderer(itemRenderer); } else { elementObj.setRowRenderer(new GridRowCustomRenderer()); }

public class RowLabelComparator extends FieldComparator { public RowLabelComparator(String orderBy, boolean asc) { super(orderBy, asc); } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Object[] listValue1 = (Object[])o1; Object[] listValue2 = (Object[])o2; System.out.println("listValue length="+listValue1.length); int objectCounter =0; Object retValue = null; String[][] dummyValues = new String[listValue1.length][]; int lengthOfList = listValue1.length; int dueIndex = 0; int regularOptionalIndex = 1;

    Object obj1 = listValue1[dueIndex];
    Object obj2 = listValue2[dueIndex];

    Object objVaccineType1 = listValue1[regularOptionalIndex];
    Object objVaccineType2 = listValue2[regularOptionalIndex];

    if(obj1!= null && !obj1.getClass().isArray())
            String str1 = obj1.toString();
            String str2 = obj2.toString();
            int valueOf1 = 0;
            str1 = str1.trim();
                if(objVaccineType1.equals(objVaccineType2) && objVaccineType1.equalsIgnoreCase("regular"))
                    valueOf1 = 0;                       
                else if(objVaccineType1.equals(objVaccineType2) && objVaccineType1.equalsIgnoreCase("optional"))
                    valueOf1 = 0;                       
            else if(str1.equals("Birth"))
                valueOf1 = 2;
            else if(str1.equals("6 Weeks"))
                valueOf1 = 3;
            else if(str1.equals("10 Weeks"))
                valueOf1 = 4;
            else if(str1.equals("14 Weeks"))
                valueOf1 = 5;
            else if(str1.equals("18 Weeks"))
                valueOf1 = 6;
            else if(str1.equals("22 Weeks"))
                valueOf1 = 7;
            else if(str1.equals("6 Months"))
                valueOf1 = 8;
            else if(str1.equals("9 Months"))
                valueOf1 = 9;
            else if(str1.equals("1 Year"))
                valueOf1 = 10;
            else if(str1.equals("15 Months"))
                valueOf1 = 11;
            else if(str1.equals("18 Months"))
                valueOf1 = 12;
            else if(str1.equals("2 Years"))
                valueOf1 = 13;
            else if(str1.equals("5 Years"))
                valueOf1 = 14;
            return valueOf1;
    return -1; 


grouping inside group of listbox in zk

I am using listbox and grouping some listItems.
Problem I am facing is I have grouped my items using GroupsModelArray class but i again want to group inside group. say for eg here i have grouped by birth now I want to again group inside birth by regular & optional. can anyone suggest me something? 
for example: i have list of vaccines i have grouped them by birth/6 weeks/12 weeks etc now inside birth i want to group them by regular/optional.

code: GroupsModelArray groupModel = new GroupsModelArray(listValue, new RowLabelComparator("null",true)); // null in argument is not in use, its just to initialize constructor. elementObj.setModel(groupModel); if(elementObj instanceof Listbox) { ItemRendererArray itemRenderer = new ItemRendererArray(); if(gridDef != null) { itemRenderer.setGridDef(gridDef); }
elementObj.setItemRenderer(itemRenderer); } else { elementObj.setRowRenderer(new GridRowCustomRenderer()); }

} public class RowLabelComparator extends FieldComparator { public RowLabelComparator(String orderBy, boolean asc) { super(orderBy, asc); } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Object[] listValue1 = (Object[])o1; Object[] listValue2 = (Object[])o2; System.out.println("listValue length="+listValue1.length); int objectCounter =0; Object retValue = null; String[][] dummyValues = new String[listValue1.length][]; int lengthOfList = listValue1.length; int dueIndex = 0; int regularOptionalIndex = 1;


        Object obj1 = listValue1[dueIndex];
     Object obj2 = listValue2[dueIndex];

     Object objVaccineType1 = listValue1[regularOptionalIndex];
     Object objVaccineType2 = listValue2[regularOptionalIndex];

     if(obj1!= null && !obj1.getClass().isArray())
             String str1 = obj1.toString();
             String str2 = obj2.toString();
             int valueOf1 = 0;
             str1 = str1.trim();
                 if(objVaccineType1.equals(objVaccineType2) && objVaccineType1.equalsIgnoreCase("regular"))
                     valueOf1 = 0;                       
                 else if(objVaccineType1.equals(objVaccineType2) && objVaccineType1.equalsIgnoreCase("optional"))
                     valueOf1 = 0;                       
             else if(str1.equals("Birth"))
                 valueOf1 = 2;
             else if(str1.equals("6 Weeks"))
                 valueOf1 = 3;
             else if(str1.equals("10 Weeks"))
                 valueOf1 = 4;
             else if(str1.equals("14 Weeks"))
                 valueOf1 = 5;
             else if(str1.equals("18 Weeks"))
                 valueOf1 = 6;
             else if(str1.equals("22 Weeks"))
                 valueOf1 = 7;
             else if(str1.equals("6 Months"))
                 valueOf1 = 8;
             else if(str1.equals("9 Months"))
                 valueOf1 = 9;
             else if(str1.equals("1 Year"))
                 valueOf1 = 10;
             else if(str1.equals("15 Months"))
                 valueOf1 = 11;
             else if(str1.equals("18 Months"))
                 valueOf1 = 12;
             else if(str1.equals("2 Years"))
                 valueOf1 = 13;
             else if(str1.equals("5 Years"))
                 valueOf1 = 14;
             return valueOf1;
     return -1; 


grouping inside group of listbox in zk

I am using listbox and grouping some listItems. Problem I am facing is I have grouped my items using GroupsModelArray class but i again want to group inside group. say for eg here i have grouped by birth now I want to again group inside birth by regular & optional. can anyone suggest me something? for example: i have list of vaccines i have grouped them by birth/6 weeks/12 weeks etc now inside birth i want to group them by regular/optional. code: code:

 GroupsModelArray groupModel = new GroupsModelArray(listValue, new RowLabelComparator("null",true));                 elementObj.setModel(groupModel);
                 if(elementObj instanceof Listbox)
                     ItemRendererArray itemRenderer = new ItemRendererArray();
                     if(gridDef != null)
                     elementObj.setRowRenderer(new GridRowCustomRenderer());

 public class RowLabelComparator extends FieldComparator 
     public RowLabelComparator(String orderBy, boolean asc) 
         super(orderBy, asc); 
     public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) 
         Object[] listValue1 = (Object[])o1;
         Object[] listValue2 = (Object[])o2;
         System.out.println("listValue length="+listValue1.length);
         int objectCounter =0;
         Object retValue = null;
         String[][] dummyValues = new String[listValue1.length][];
         int lengthOfList = listValue1.length;
         int dueIndex = 0;
         int regularOptionalIndex = 1;

         Object obj1 = listValue1[dueIndex];
         Object obj2 = listValue2[dueIndex];

         Object objVaccineType1 = listValue1[regularOptionalIndex];
         Object objVaccineType2 = listValue2[regularOptionalIndex];

         if(obj1!= null && !obj1.getClass().isArray())
                 String str1 = obj1.toString();
                 String str2 = obj2.toString();
                 int valueOf1 = 0;
                 str1 = str1.trim();
                     if(objVaccineType1.equals(objVaccineType2) && objVaccineType1.equalsIgnoreCase("regular"))
                         valueOf1 = 0;                       
                     else if(objVaccineType1.equals(objVaccineType2) && objVaccineType1.equalsIgnoreCase("optional"))
                         valueOf1 = 0;                       
                 else if(str1.equals("Birth"))
                     valueOf1 = 2;
                 else if(str1.equals("6 Weeks"))
                     valueOf1 = 3;
                 else if(str1.equals("10 Weeks"))
                     valueOf1 = 4;
                 else if(str1.equals("14 Weeks"))
                     valueOf1 = 5;
                 else if(str1.equals("18 Weeks"))
                     valueOf1 = 6;
                 else if(str1.equals("22 Weeks"))
                     valueOf1 = 7;
                 else if(str1.equals("6 Months"))
                     valueOf1 = 8;
                 else if(str1.equals("9 Months"))
                     valueOf1 = 9;
                 else if(str1.equals("1 Year"))
                     valueOf1 = 10;
                 else if(str1.equals("15 Months"))
                     valueOf1 = 11;
                 else if(str1.equals("18 Months"))
                     valueOf1 = 12;
                 else if(str1.equals("2 Years"))
                     valueOf1 = 13;
                 else if(str1.equals("5 Years"))
                     valueOf1 = 14;
                 return valueOf1;
         return -1; 
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