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asked 2013-08-25 19:31:57 +0800

grzesiek gravatar image grzesiek flag of Poland

Decimalbox validation

Hi Fellows

if I have dicimalbox and put in that field "123456-" or if I put text to decimalbox system shows error box with text: "You must specify a number rather than..." and how to make modification to this, for example if it is not correct value change it to "0" without showing any error box or how to change text in that message.

Decimalbox validation

Hi Fellows

if I have dicimalbox DecimalBox and put in that field "123456-" 123456- or if I put text to decimalbox DecimalBox system shows error box with text: "You must specify a number rather than..." and how to make modification to this, for example if it is not correct value change it to "0" without showing any error box or how to change text in that message.

Decimalbox validation

Hi Fellows

if I have DecimalBox and put in that field 123456- or if I put text to DecimalBox system shows error box with text: "You must specify a number rather than..." and how to make modification to this, for example if it is not correct value change it to "0" without showing any error box or how to change text in that message.

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