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asked 2012-10-30 11:28:05 +0800

mkommer gravatar image mkommer

MVVM : @NotifyChange

i would like if it is possible to have some chain of notifychange.

For example,

a setter is called and it has a @NotifyChange for some attributes, but in the setter method, others methods are called and have their own @NotifyChange.

It seems the children are not called. Is there a way to do it ?

Thank you.

public void setMyVar(String myVar) {
      this.myVar = myVar;
      if myVar.equals("test") {

// Seems NotifyChange not be called
@NotifyChange({"tata", "titi", "tutu"})
public void loadInterface() {
    tata = "ok";
    titi = "nok";
    tutu = "NA";
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