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asked 2017-02-13 12:42:46 +0800

Coderdood gravatar image Coderdood

Spring and Constructor Injection


So far, I've been using @WireVariable to inject Spring beans on my controllers and it's known to work perfectly.

private SomeBean someBean;

But here is my question... Is there a way to achieve the same result but with constructor injection? It's a known good practice to inject beans via constructor so it's easy to mock them on unit tests and such. Like this

private final SomeBean somebean;

public MyController(SomeBean someBean) {
    this.somebean = someBean

Can this be achieved somehow or I simply cannot unit test a ZK Controller?

Spring and Constructor Injection


So far, I've been using @WireVariable to inject Spring beans on my controllers and it's known to work perfectly.

private SomeBean someBean;

But here is my question... Is there a way to achieve the same result but with constructor injection? It's a known good practice to inject beans via constructor so it's easy to mock them on unit tests and such. Like this

private final SomeBean somebean;

public MyController(SomeBean someBean) {
    this.somebean = someBean

Can this be achieved somehow or I simply cannot unit test a ZK Controller?

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