New project: Why Spring and/or AngularJS?

asked 2015-01-12 13:54:49 +0800

JBlaha gravatar image JBlaha flag of Germany

When starting a new project in ZK, what would be the advantages to use Spring and/or AngularjS on top of the existing native ZK features? Is there anything important that cannot be done with ZK alone or where some important characteristic (e.g. performance) is added?

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answered 2015-02-08 18:07:53 +0800

Darksu gravatar image Darksu
1991 1 4

Hello JBlaha,

This is a topic that could be discussed extensively in the forums.

Personally i believe that it all depends on the business requirements of your project, and the architecture that is to be followed.

For more information please read the following url:


Best Regards,


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answered 2015-02-20 17:36:23 +0800

windeyu gravatar image windeyu flag of United States
288 3

With Spring framework on top of ZK framework, you have benefits of utilizing Spring's features on your server-side. For example, using Spring's IoC, you can inject a different composer bean into your ZK component dynamically based on your runtime condition. With AngularJS on top of ZK framework, you have benefits of organizing your custom ZK client-side JS widget code. You can also access browser-native features (such as camera, geolocation, etc) via AngularJS and make them available to your backend ZK server-side.

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answered 2015-02-25 14:21:09 +0800

rickcr gravatar image rickcr
704 7

updated 2015-02-25 14:22:14 +0800

JBlaha... you have to think of some of the benefits Spring gives you on the service side of things, for example your persistence layer typically is greatly benefited by using Spring (or CDI.) For example, I use MyBatis (but many of you use Hibernate.) With the typical Spring integration modules for either of them, setting up is a snap and things like Integration Testing also become easier. So then, the next question becomes, since you should already be using some sort of Dependency Injection (Spring/CDI) on your backend, why not also leverage it in the front-end? You get easy injection of your persistent services, properties, etc.

If you want a sample spring zk app (using mybatis) I have one here that is very basic showing some of the concepts https://github.com/rickcr/mybatis-spring-zk

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Asked: 2015-01-12 13:54:49 +0800

Seen: 41 times

Last updated: Feb 25 '15

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