lostfocus of searchfield vs buttonclick in listbox

asked 2014-09-08 13:55:24 +0800

chillworld gravatar image chillworld flag of Belgium
5367 4 9

updated 2014-10-06 13:05:51 +0800

Hi all,

I'm having a smaller issue here. I have a custom component for searchfield. When I lose focus of custom component => I'll check first the autoselection of the custom component and then the listbox will search for it.

In the listbox is a button select available what will return the object selected.

Now I have a small "race" condition with the filer search with lost focus and the select button of the listbox.

The select button alway's lose and the clients can't push the selectbutton until the custom component search is done.

Is there any way to :

  • See at server side that I have the lostFocus and the buttonClick event?
  • Prioritize the button click above the lostFocus?
  • Any other possible solution?
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answered 2014-10-05 19:57:14 +0800

Darksu gravatar image Darksu
1991 1 4

Hello chillworld,

From what i understood you should do the following when the custom component loses focus:

Scenario 1:

a. Disable the button

b. Refresh the data

c. Enable the button

Scenario 2:

a. Remove the button event

b. Allow the data to be refreshed

c. Set again the button event

Best Regards,


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small error in mine post, I don't want to deactivate the selectbutton. => I want that before the lostFocus.

chillworld ( 2014-10-06 13:06:46 +0800 )edit
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Asked: 2014-09-08 13:55:24 +0800

Seen: 20 times

Last updated: Oct 06 '14

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