Fellow component not found

asked 2014-08-24 16:45:13 +0800

agazerboy gravatar image agazerboy
1 1

updated 2014-08-25 17:08:38 +0800

I am trying to replicate some existing ZK test-case. When I try to run the example: it gives an error "fellow component not found". Below is the Fiddle file:

zkfiddle. org/sample/3ks9ssn/1-fellow-component-not-found)

Error occurs when I click on "check equal selection". What am I doing wrong?

PS: Sorry for broken link because it doesn't let me post it.

I am sorry to post a comment for my own question because forum doesn't let me reply to Darksu or post anything.

Thanks for your detailed answer. I am sorry for my limited (zero) knowledge in ZK framework. I tried to follow your instructions. Now, it gives the error:

"can't cast from textbox to listbox"

Following line is causing the error:

Listbox lbOne = self.getFellow("win1").getFellow(idOne);

I have updated the fiddle so you might have a look. Would it possible for you to directly edit Fiddle?

I also didn't get where to put following code:

Textbox textBox1 = self.getFellow("win").getFellow(idOne);

If it put it inside the function then again the casting error would occur.

I also tried the following:

I changed the code to:

Listbox lbOne = (Listbox)Path.getComponent("/win1/idOne");
Listbox lbTwo = (Listbox)Path.getComponent("/win1/idTwo");

I think, its alternate to getFellow. It gives the following error:

Null Pointer in Method Invocation
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answered 2014-08-25 09:11:18 +0800

Darksu gravatar image Darksu
1991 1 4

updated 2014-08-25 09:52:07 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

Hello agazerboy,

You have to change a little the code, so that you can get the component.

In detail you have to perform the following:

  • Create a window and set an id
  • Change the button as shown below by passing the id's of the components:

<button id="btnOne" label="check equal selection" onclick="checkEqualSelection(tbOne.getId(), tbTwo.getId());"/>

  • Use the following code in order to get the component:

Textbox textBox1 = self.getFellow("win").getFellow(idOne);

  • Update the remaining code as you see fit

Hope you found the information helpfull.

Best Regards,


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Asked: 2014-08-24 16:45:13 +0800

Seen: 38 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '14

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