Select all checkbox in Listbox header?

asked 2013-10-11 09:04:41 +0800

susu gravatar image susu
11 2

updated 2013-10-11 10:27:31 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

why my select all checkbox doesnot appear in my listbox header?

........this is my zul file........

<listbox id="lbxSdata" fixedLayout="true" multiple="false" checkmark="false" sizedByContent="false" span='true'  
            emptyMessage="${lbl:name('No items match your search')}">

                <listhead sizable="true" >
                <listheader hflex="4" label="${lbl:name('Action')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="10" sort="auto(LOCK_TABLE)" label="${lbl:name('Table')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="10" sort="auto(LAST_OPR_DATE)" label="${lbl:name('Last Date')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="5" sort="auto(LOCK_KEY1)" label="${lbl:name('Key 1')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="5" sort="auto(LOCK_KEY2)" label="${lbl:name('Key 2')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="5" sort="auto(LOCK_KEY3)" label="${lbl:name('Key 3')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="5" sort="auto(LOCK_KEY4)" label="${lbl:name('Key 4')}" align="left" />
                <listheader hflex="5" sort="auto(LOCK_KEY5)" label="${lbl:name('Key 5')}" align="left" />

.......this is my java .............

public void render(Listitem item, Object data) throws Exception

        Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) data;
        countId = item.getIndex();

        count = item.getIndex() + 1;

        item.setAttribute(ZkConstants.RowData, map);

        item.appendChild(buildCheckbox(null , count));
        //Listcell lbl = new Listcell();

        item.appendChild(buildLabelDateTime("LAST_OPR_DATE", map));
        item.appendChild(buildLabel("LOCK_KEY1", map));
        item.appendChild(buildLabel("LOCK_KEY2", map));
        item.appendChild(buildLabel("LOCK_KEY3", map));
        item.appendChild(buildLabel("LOCK_KEY4", map));
        item.appendChild(buildLabel("LOCK_KEY5", map));

private Listcell buildCheckbox(String value , Integer recordNo)
        Listcell  lbl = new Listcell ();

        Checkbox chkbox = new Checkbox();
        String strRecordNo = null;
        strRecordNo = Integer.toString(recordNo);


        return (lbl);

thanks for respond :)

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-10-11 10:29:09 +0800

sjoshi gravatar image sjoshi flag of India
3493 1 8

You have to use multiple="true" and checkmark="true"

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i have tried it before..but the windows will come out with two checkbox for every list

susu ( 2013-10-11 10:51:15 +0800 )edit

in your afterCompose() method do 'yourModel.setMultiple("true");'

sjoshi ( 2013-10-11 13:43:49 +0800 )edit
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Asked: 2013-10-11 09:04:41 +0800

Seen: 20 times

Last updated: Oct 11 '13

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