Navigation in border lay out.

asked 2013-03-11 10:24:15 +0800

Senthilchettyin gravatar image Senthilchettyin flag of India
2623 3 8

In my project i have borderlayout where top contains the menu and center area is to display the screen after any one menu is selected.

Now assume the following use case.

  1. After one menu is clicked, let us show the one.zul file in the center area.
  2. Assume that one.zul is a listing screen which contains some search condition and user will enter some search and click on search button. Then the one.zul file will list the records from the patient table.

  3. Now in the in the list, one of the column is insurance (which is another screen to create insurance for the patient). Now when the user click on the insurance column for any particular patient, then let us load the insurance.zul in the same center area (Now i have to destroy the one.zul and load the insurance.zul).

  4. Now assume that, in the insurance.zul, we have a back button. On Clicking of back button, i need to load the one.zul again with the filterd list. How we can do this ? One way, again i can the load the one.zul in the center area,but the search condition entered by the user will not there, because we are reloading the screen again.

What is the best method to resolve this use case.

And also, it may be chain of links, for example, from the insurance.zul, user may go to another screen and using back button, it has to come to insurance.zul and back button in the insurance.zul, it has to come to one.zul

Any best practice to resolve this use case ?

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-03-11 16:19:24 +0800

mhj gravatar image mhj flag of Brazil
806 1 7

updated 2013-03-12 11:18:33 +0800

systems in which I have participated, for each line of search list, has an double-click event or a button to display a popup that shows more detailed infos about that line and a menu crud for editing data.something similar to this link text, other link text

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Link is broken. Yes. that is one way, showing the popup or modal window. But in my case, on clicking the column value, it should take to the place where data entry screen is done. So it is embedded page.

Senthilchettyin ( 2013-03-11 17:13:23 +0800 )edit

I'm sorry I fixed the link

mhj ( 2013-03-12 11:19:05 +0800 )edit

answered 2013-03-19 02:55:08 +0800

noahhuang gravatar image noahhuang
74 4

You can put the search condition into session or something like cache.

After ZK load the one.zul, you can check if the search condition exists in the session. If the search condition exists, you can render the result.

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Asked: 2013-03-11 10:24:15 +0800

Seen: 66 times

Last updated: Mar 19 '13

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