error "Failed to process setAttr o is undefined (TypeError)"

asked 2012-08-23 15:15:08 +0800

PratikThacker gravatar image PratikThacker

I am getting an error "Failed to process setAttr o is undefined (TypeError)"...

Following code is working fine in one of my project
but when i try to implement same thing in another project it gives above mention error..

Zul file
<tabpanel style="padding-top: 2px; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px;">
                    <timeline height="100%" width="100%">
                          <bandinfo width="70%" id="b1" intervalUnit="day" intervalPixels="50" >
                          <bandinfo width="30%"  intervalUnit="month" intervalPixels="100" syncWith="b1"  >


composer file
 OccurEvent event =new OccurEvent();
	            event.setText("Having a trip to USA");
	            event.setStart(new Date(Date.parse("Aug 01 2012 00:00:00 GMT-0500")));
	            event.setEnd(new Date(Date.parse("Sep 01 2012 00:00:00 GMT-0500")));
	            b1.addOccurEvent(event);//if this line is removed error does not occure

Initially error was coming due to missing timelinez.jar so I have copied timelinez.jar from previous project..
Now can you tell what minimum other jar files I need to verify?.. Or some other solution if any...

Waiting for reply...

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6 Replies

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answered 2012-08-24 06:51:43 +0800

PratikThacker gravatar image PratikThacker

In Internet Explorer 9 it gives following error for the same:

24 Aug, 2012 12:07:17 PM org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl.DesktopImpl service:721
SEVERE: [Desktop z_4h00:/module/user-home.zul] client error: Failed to process
Unable to get value of the property 'showLoadingMessage': object is null or undefined (TypeError)

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answered 2012-08-30 06:15:46 +0800

francishsiao gravatar image francishsiao
145 2

I can't reproduce the error neither in ie9 and firefox. They work fine.
What your zk version is?

Best regards,

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answered 2012-08-30 14:44:15 +0800

PratikThacker gravatar image PratikThacker

I have observed its behavior.
In my code there are 3 tabpanel.. And OccurEvent is added from composer file .
It gives above error if timeline is kept in 2nd or 3rd panel except 1st..

Error does not produce if I am putting that timeline in 1st panel..

One more thing , I need your help
if I put that timeline in 1st panel then it is working fine,
but as soon as I click on 2nd panel and again come to the 1st panel which the event data wipes..
So, it shows empty timeline..

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answered 2012-09-05 04:33:27 +0800

francishsiao gravatar image francishsiao
145 2

Hi PratikThacker and vicent,

Would you like to provide reproduceable code as detail as possible for us to test to find out the root cause and solution?

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answered 2012-09-05 06:23:58 +0800

cocoes gravatar image cocoes flag of Spain
94 6

I'm facing the same problem on Explorer 9 and ZK 6.0.2.

An exception is thrown on every tree row added to a not visible tabpanel. The exception is like this (in Spanish)

16:32:37,022 SEVERE [Desktop z_7qb:/mypath/index.zul] client error: Fallo al procesar rm
No se puede obtener valor de la propiedad 'style': el objeto es nulo o está sin definir (TypeError)

Translating to english will be something like

16:32:37,022 SEVERE [Desktop z_7qb:/mypath/index.zul] client error: Failed processing rm
'style' property value can't be obtained : object is null or it's not defined (TypeError)

The exception is also shown on a nice pink browser popup ;-) .

I don't have experienced such error on other browsers... As PratikThacker says, the exception is not thrown when the row is added dinamically to the tree included in the visible tabpanel.

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answered 2012-09-05 06:50:18 +0800

cocoes gravatar image cocoes flag of Spain
94 6

updated 2012-09-05 06:51:36 +0800

Hi francishsiao,

It will take to me a couple of days to put a reproduceable code, but here's a summary:

- ZUL file

	<tabbox vflex="1" id="miTab">
			<tab label="1" id="1"></tab>
			<tab label="1" id="2"></tab>
			... more tabs ...
		<tabpanels vflex="1">
			<tabpanel id="tb1" >
				<tree id="myTree1"  vflex="1" hflex="1" sclass="myclass" >
					<treecols sizable="true">
				        <treecol label="1"  id="c1" sortAscending="${des_asc}" sortDescending="${des_dsc}" hflex="2"></treecol>
				        <treecol label="2" 	id="c2" sortAscending="${cod_asc}" sortDescending="${cod_dsc}" visible="false" ></treecol>
						... more cols ...
			<tabpanel id="tb2">
				<tree id="myTree2" vflex="1" hflex="1">
					<treecols sizable="true">
				        <treecol label="A" 	id="cA" sortAscending="${des_asc}" sortDescending="${des_dsc}"  hflex="2"></treecol>
				        <treecol label="B" 	id="cB" sortAscending="${cod_asc}" sortDescending="${cod_dsc}" visible="false"  hflex="1" ></treecol>
						... more cols ...
			... more tabpanels ...

- Tree Renderer file

	public void render(Treeitem treeItem, Object data, int arg2) throws Exception {

		DefaultTreeNode treeNode = (DefaultTreeNode) data;
		Treerow tr;
		if (treeItem.getTreerow() == null) {
			tr = new Treerow();
		} else {
			tr = treeItem.getTreerow();

		MyRowInfo row = (MyRowInfo)treeNode.getData();

		Treecell desc=new Treecell();
		desc.appendChild(new Label(mytext));
		if (mycondition) {

		Treecell cell2=new Treecell();
		Div mydiv=new Div();
		mydiv.appendChild(new Label(myothertext));
		if (somecondition) {
		} else if (somecondition) {
		} else {
		... more cells ...

		if (!treeItem.isListenerAvailable(Events.ON_OPEN, true)) { 
			treeItem.addEventListener(1000,Events.ON_DOUBLE_CLICK, new EventListener() { 
				public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
					Treeitem ti=(Treeitem)event.getTarget();
					DefaultTreeNode dtn=(DefaultTreeNode)ti.getValue();
					MyRowInfo row = (MyRowInfo)dtn.getData();
			treeItem.addEventListener(1000,Events.ON_OPEN, new EventListener() { 
				public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
					Treeitem ti=(Treeitem)event.getTarget();
					DefaultTreeNode dtn=(DefaultTreeNode)ti.getValue();
					MyRowInfo row = (MyRowInfo)dtn.getData();
			treeItem.addEventListener(1000,Events.ON_RIGHT_CLICK, new EventListener() { 
				public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
		if (tr.getContext()==null) {
			Menupopup popup=new Menupopup();

			if (somecondition) {
				Menuitem mnc=new Menuitem("sometext");
				ComponentsCtrl.applyForward(mnc, "somepoint.onClick");
				...more menuitems ...

		DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) treeItem.getTree().getModel();
		if (row.isOpen())

So this code fails on Internet Explorer 9 during the first startup. It sends an exeption on every row added to a tree in a not visible tabpanel.

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Asked: 2012-08-23 15:15:08 +0800

Seen: 341 times

Last updated: Sep 05 '12

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