Modifying busy box

asked 2012-03-28 12:17:27 +0800

goggy gravatar image goggy

I have a multiselection listbox filled with some records. User selects a number of these records and clicks a button "Process". Then my program fetches selected records and does something with them. This can take some time so I implemented


so users can't click on other buttons. This works great but I'd like for users to have some visual progress indicator while they wait so in created progress bar. My question now is, how do you attach/add this progressbar (progressmeter component) to the modal busy window.

I'd also be happy with an alternative. All I need is locked (disabled) GUI and message with progress bar.

Regards Goran

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2 Replies

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answered 2012-03-29 13:52:37 +0800

goggy gravatar image goggy

I didn't manage to alter the busybox in an elegant way but I managed to find my own workaround by reading through ZK JavaScript files and with the help of Firebug. I used similar way to create my own busybox. If anyone encounters a similar problem, here is what I did...

<div id="modalMaskDiv" class="z-modal-mask" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 30999; width: 100%; height: 100%;" visible="false" />
<div id="showBusyDiv" class="z-loading" style="left:40%; top:45%" visible="false" align="center">
	<div class="z-loading-indicator">
				<span class="z-loading-icon"></span>
				<label id="busyLbl" value="Processing..."/>
	    	<progressmeter id="progressBar" value="0" width="300px"/>

I added the above code fragment in the begining of my index.zul file. When I needed (my) busybox I just called


did my work and called

when I was done.

If anyone has a better solution I'm open for suggestions :)

Regards Goran.

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answered 2012-04-24 11:12:05 +0800

benbai gravatar image benbai
2228 6


You can override the original showBusy/clearBusy method and make it work with your custom busy box,
please refer to the sample


<script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
var override = setInterval(function () {
if (zAu && zAu.cmd0) {
var oldShowBusy = zAu.cmd0.showBusy;
var oldClearBusy = zAu.cmd0.clearBusy;
zAu.cmd0.showBusy = function (uuid, msg) {
var cls, // class of original busy box
custom, // the custom busy box
$body = jq(document.body),
bwid = $body.width()-5, // body width (slightly smaller)
bhgh = $body.height()-5, // body height (slightly smaller)
innerWid = 200, // width of inner content of custom busy box
innerHgh = 30, // height of inner content of custom busy box
wid, hgh, // width and height of busy box
mt, ml, key; // margin-top, margin-left and mapping key
// get the class of original busy box and mapping key
if (arguments.length == 1 || !uuid) {
cls = 'z-modal-mask';
key = 'null'
} else {
cls = 'z-apply-mask';
key = zk.Widget.$(uuid).uuid;
// do the original showBusy
oldShowBusy.apply(this, arguments);
// get the original busy box
var $dom = jq('.'+cls);

if ((custom = jq('$customBusy'))) { // custom busybox exists
var outer = jq(custom.find('div').clone()[0]), // clone the content of custom busy box
wid = $dom.width(), // get original width
hgh = $dom.height(), // get original height
inner; // the inner content

// shrink the size if too large
if (wid > bwid) wid = bwid;
if (hgh > bhgh) hgh = bhgh;

// put content into body
// get inner content
inner = jq(outer.find('div')[0]);

// apply style to outer content
left: $dom.offset().left + 'px',
top: $dom.offset().top + 'px',
width: wid + 'px',
height: hgh + 'px'
outer[0].style.zIndex = $dom[0].style.zIndex;

// calculate the appropriate margin
ml = wid > innerWid? ($dom.outerWidth(true) - innerWid)/2 : 0;
mt = hgh > innerHgh? ($dom.outerHeight(true) - innerHgh)/2 : 0;
// apply the style to inner content
marginTop: mt + 'px',
marginBottom: mt + 'px',
marginLeft: ml + 'px',
marginRight: ml + 'px'

$dom.parent()[0].style.display = 'none';
// store the outer node with mapping key
zAu.cmd0[key] = outer[0];
zAu.cmd0.clearBusy = function (uuid) {
var key,
// get the mapping key
if (!uuid)
key = 'null'
key = zk.Widget.$(uuid).uuid;

// get node and remove it by mapping key
if ((node = zAu.cmd0[key])
&& node.parentNode)

delete node;
oldClearBusy.apply(this, arguments);
<!-- Show busy on full page and clear it after 3 seconds -->
<button label="busy on page">
<attribute name="onClick">
<!-- Show busy on label 'lb' and clear it after 3 seconds -->
<button label="busy on label">
<attribute name="onClick">
Clients.showBusy(lb, "busy...");
<timer id="tmOne" delay="3000" repeats="false" running="false" onTimer="Clients.clearBusy(null);" />
<timer id="tmTwo" delay="3000" repeats="false" running="false" onTimer="Clients.clearBusy(lb);" />
<label id="lb" value="message: " width="100px" height="100px" />
<!-- The custom busy box, can put anything in it -->
<div id="customBusy">
<div style="position: absolute; left: -1000px; top: -1000px; border: 1px solid red; overflow: hidden; height: 200px; width: 200px;">
<div style="background-color: white;">
Custom busy box
<window border="normal" title="busy..." />


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Asked: 2012-03-28 12:17:27 +0800

Seen: 339 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '12

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