how to auto scroll a listbox when dragging a listtiem?? nitishamraji

asked 2012-01-11 17:18:31 +0800

nitishamraji gravatar image nitishamraji

I have a listbox with drag and drop enabled to the list tiems... when I would like to darg and drop a listitem outside the view of listbox, the scrollbar does not automatically scroll.... is there any way to make auto scrolling when you want to drag and drop a listIem??... here is my code

<listbox id="left" height="150px" width="200px" onDrop="move(event.dragged)" droppable="true"
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK Forge" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK Mobile" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK GWT" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK JSF" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK JSP" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK Spring" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK Studio" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK Jquery" />
<listitem draggable="true" droppable="true" onDrop="move(event.dragged)">
<listcell label="ZK JS" />
<separator />

void move(Component dragged) {
if (self instanceof Listitem) {
self.parent.insertBefore(dragged, self.getNextSibling());
} else {


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3 Replies

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answered 2012-01-12 03:13:27 +0800

ashishd gravatar image ashishd flag of Taiwan
1972 6

Hi Nitish, I'm afraid this is not supported yet. Could you register a feature request for this? (you can create it in our Issue Tracker here)

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answered 2012-01-12 16:18:55 +0800

nitishamraji gravatar image nitishamraji

hi ashish,

please refer to the following thread for the solution..


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answered 2014-09-02 06:46:35 +0800

ajaidka gravatar image ajaidka
196 4

Try this JS (May be you need to tweak it a little). It works for me, I have a listbox without paging/scroll, and scroll is at window level.

zk.afterLoad("zk", function() {
    var oldUpdateDrag = zk.Draggable.prototype._updateDrag;
    zk.Draggable.prototype._updateDrag = function(pt, evt) {
        // call original _updateDrag method
        try {
            oldUpdateDrag.apply(this, arguments);
        } catch (e) {
            // 4: handle exception

        var control = this.control, // original listitem
        node = this.node; // cloned listitem, the drag node
        if (control.$instanceof(zul.sel.Listitem)) {
            // get original listbox
            var listbox = control.getListbox(), dir;
            // start scroll if has a direction,
            // or clear the scroll timer
            if (dir = shouldScroll(jq(node), jq(listbox)))
                startScroll(dir, listbox);

        if (control.$instanceof(zul.sel.Listcell)) {
            // get original listbox
            var listbox = control.getListbox(), dir;
            // start scroll if has a direction,
            // or clear the scroll timer
            if (dir = shouldScrollPage(jq(node), jq(listbox))) {
                startScrollPage(dir, listbox);

        } else {
            // clearScroll(listbox);

     * else {
     * var listbox = control.getListbox(), dir; // start scroll if has a
     * direction, // or clear the scroll timer if (dir =
     * shouldScrollPage(jq(node), jq(listbox))) startScrollPage(dir, listbox);
     * else clearScroll(listbox); }

// return the scroll direction if have to scroll,
// return null otherwise.
function shouldScroll($node, $listbox) {
    var top = $listbox.offset().top, itemTop = $node.offset().top;
    if (itemTop < top)
        return 'up';
    else {
        var bottom = top + $listbox.height(), itemBottom = itemTop
                + $node.height();
        return itemBottom > bottom ? 'down' : null;

function shouldScrollPage($node, $listbox) {
    var dir = '';
    var winmid = window.pageYOffset + 100;
    var top = $listbox.offset().top, itemTop = $node.offset().top;
    if (itemTop < winmid)
        dir = 'up';
    else {
        var bottom = window.pageYOffset, itemBottom = itemTop + $node.height();
        dir = itemBottom > winmid+400 ? 'down' : null;
    return dir;
// create scroll timer with the specified direction
function startScroll(dir, listbox) {
    if (!listbox._scrollStarted)
        listbox._scrollStarted = setInterval(function() {
            var body = listbox.$n('body'), oldValue = body.scrollTop;
            body.scrollTop += dir == 'down' ? 20 : (-20);
            // can not scroll any more
            if (body.scrollTop == oldValue)
        }, 50);

function startScrollPage(dir, listbox) {
    var body = $('body');
    var scrollFlag = false;

    if (!scrollFlag)
        scrollFlag = setInterval(function() {
            var oldValue = listbox.$n('body').scrollTop;
        //  console.log("oldValue" + oldValue);
            var position = (dir == 'down' ? (body.scrollTop() + 20) : (body.scrollTop() -20));

            //console.log("body.scrollTop " + body.scrollTop());
            //console.log("pos " + position);
            // can not scroll any more
            if (listbox.$n('body').scrollTop == oldValue){
                clearScrollPage(body, scrollFlag);
                //scrollFlag = false;
        }, 100);

function clearScrollPage(body, scrollFlag) {
    if (scrollFlag) {

// clear scroll timer
function clearScroll(listbox) {
    if (listbox._scrollStarted) {
        listbox._scrollStarted = null;

Your may have to use right component in if statement search for text "if (control.$instanceof(zul.sel.Listcell))" and use appropriate component in condition.

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Asked: 2012-01-11 17:18:31 +0800

Seen: 124 times

Last updated: Sep 02 '14

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