Repopulate data to Listbox works fine in Firefox3.6 but not in IE7

asked 2010-07-28 13:57:12 +0800

zknewbie1 gravatar image zknewbie1
370 4

updated 2010-07-28 15:16:18 +0800

Hi, I have a Listbox that allows multiple record selection to be selected and verified; and a Button to carry out the verification action. After that, the Listbox is refreshed so that it won't display those selected records anymore (ex: if there're 10 records and 3 are selected for verification, once the Verification button is clicked, the Listbox will only display 7 records now). The problem is that it works fine in Firefox3.6 but errors out in IE7 with this error: "Failed to process addAft, Object doesn't support this property or method". The Verification logic for my Button is as follow:
1. Run an Update Query to change the Verify field from 'unverified' to 'verified' for those selected records.
2. Run a Select Query to grab only those with Verify = 'unverified' (so that the new ResultSet won't include those records that just got verified)
3. SetModel and ItemRenderer to the List<RecordBean> in step 2.

Please let me know why it does not work in IE7? I'm using ZK 5.0.3 Community Edition. Thanks much..

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13 Replies

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answered 2010-07-28 20:50:54 +0800

PeterKuo gravatar image PeterKuo
481 2

It looks much like a bug.

Would you post your sample code.
That can help us to identify the problem.

If you prepare two set of model,
and set model1 first, and then click a button to set model2,
does the problem still happen?

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answered 2010-07-29 08:53:44 +0800

zknewbie1 gravatar image zknewbie1
370 4

Hi Peter, the setModel is wrapped in a private method, so basically it's a separate instantiation each time I render. It consistently works fine in Firefox and consistently errors out in IE7??

Ex: the method call:

                              new EntityBeanVerifyBaseItemRenderer());

the method:
private void renderListBox(List theDataList,
                                         Listbox theListBox,
                                         ListitemRenderer theRenderer) {
    ListModel listModel = new SimpleListModel(theDataList);
}//end method

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answered 2010-07-29 19:42:56 +0800

PeterKuo gravatar image PeterKuo
481 2

You may reorder the sequence and give it a try.

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answered 2010-07-30 07:57:57 +0800

zknewbie1 gravatar image zknewbie1
370 4

I just tried your suggestion and still no luck..

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answered 2010-08-02 13:19:42 +0800

zknewbie1 gravatar image zknewbie1
370 4

I just downloaded Google Chrome 5.0. and it runs just fine like Firefox3.6. Must be something particular to IE7 that makes it errors out..

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answered 2010-08-03 05:59:18 +0800

PeterKuo gravatar image PeterKuo
481 2

It seems much like a bug.
Would you post it to bug and let us track it there.

It would help a lot if you can provide simple code that can reproduce the problem.

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answered 2010-08-03 15:20:05 +0800

zknewbie1 gravatar image zknewbie1
370 4

Hi Peter, I fixed the problem, it's a very weird one though: all I have to fix is to comment out the Messagebox.show(), which is the last line of code at the end of the event-handler method like below. Do you have any documentation on the error: "Failed to process addAft, Object doesn't support this property or method"? This is particular to IE7 problem. Firefox and Chrome work just fine. Also, I tried to post this issue to Bugs but it asked me for a Sourceforge login??

/** Simulate some change to the dataset and then reload data to Listbox */
  public void processLstBoxBtn_onClick() throws Exception {
    Listbox theListBox = (Listbox) getFellow("lstBox");
    if (theListBox.getSelectedItems().isEmpty()) {
      Messagebox.show("Please select some records first.");
    }//if user has not selected any record
    else {
      List<String> modifiedList = new ArrayList();
      String strHolder = "";
      for (Object item: theListBox.getSelectedItems()) {
        Listitem listItem = (Listitem) item;  
        String itemValue = (String) listItem.getValue();
        strHolder += itemValue + "\n";
      }//end for
      // Populate the new dataset to the Listbox
      zkCommonUtils.renderListBox(this.getTheList(), theListBox, new LocalItemRenderer());
      //NOTE: somehow in IE7, a nasty error return when I call Messagebox.show()
      //  right after re-rendering the Listbox; the error says:
      //  "Failed to process addAft, Object doesn't support this property or method"
      //   have to comment it out for now; Firfox3.6 and Chrome5.0 do not have
      //   this issue!
      //Messagebox.show("The Listbox has been re-rendered: " + strHolder);
    }//end if some records were selected
  }//end method

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answered 2010-08-03 15:29:09 +0800

zknewbie1 gravatar image zknewbie1
370 4

Hi Peter, could you also take a look at my other question: "Print out data in Landscape format and Auto-fit". I posted this question about a week ago but still no luck. Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question because I'm still new to ZK. It's very good framework though. Thanks.

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answered 2010-08-03 20:27:48 +0800

PeterKuo gravatar image PeterKuo
481 2

Because we use sourceforge to track the bug. So you must login to post a bug.

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answered 2010-08-03 21:18:25 +0800

jimmyshiau gravatar image jimmyshiau
4921 5
http://www.zkoss.org/ ZK Team

Hi zknewbie1
I have created a sample for reproduce your problem
but it worked well with latest ZK freshly and ZK 5.0.3 official

		ArrayList datas = new ArrayList();
		for(int i = 0; i < 100;i ++)
			datas.add("item "+ i );
		ListitemRenderer renderer = new ListitemRenderer(){
			public void render(Listitem item, Object data) throws Exception {
				item.appendChild(new Listcell(String.valueOf(data)+0));
				item.appendChild(new Listcell(String.valueOf(data)+1));
		SimpleListModel lm = new SimpleListModel(datas);
	<listbox id="listbox" itemRenderer="${renderer}" model="${lm}" width="200px" height="200px" multiple="true"/>
	<button label="update model">
		<attribute name="onClick"><![CDATA[
			datas = new ArrayList();
			for(Object obj: listbox.getSelectedItems()){
				Listitem item = (Listitem) obj;
			listbox.setItemRenderer(new ListitemRenderer(){
				public void render(Listitem item, Object data) throws Exception {
					item.appendChild(new Listcell(String.valueOf(data)+0));
					item.appendChild(new Listcell(String.valueOf(data)+1));
			SimpleListModel lm = new SimpleListModel(datas);
			Messagebox.show("The Listbox has been re-rendered: ");

is it still cause this error?

or you can try to upgrade to latest ZK freshly and check whether the problem be solved

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Asked: 2010-07-28 13:57:12 +0800

Seen: 423 times

Last updated: Aug 08 '10

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