ZK Selenium testing without UUIDs

asked 2010-05-25 06:20:38 +0800

tmillsclare gravatar image tmillsclare
799 2 5 30

Jumper Chen demonstrates one of the upcoming tools for ZK testing. This tool enables us to test ZK applications using Selenium without the need for a UUID generator. To view the blog post please click here.

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5 Replies

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answered 2010-05-26 01:53:17 +0800

tomCat gravatar image tomCat
276 3


is there any tutorial/smalltalk about how to integrate ZK selector into Selenium IDE?
I think it is a very cool feature.

Best regards


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answered 2011-03-23 06:44:48 +0800

cahu gravatar image cahu


is there news about that selenium integration and ZK selector avaibility ?




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answered 2011-06-06 09:17:11 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany
9393 3 7 16


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answered 2011-10-25 13:54:08 +0800

iantsai gravatar image iantsai
2755 1

I have built a ConsistUuidGenerator for testing purpose, this might ease the pain that you have while doing auto testing:


package j1pj6m23$v3;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.ext.Scope;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.IdGenerator;
* @author Ian Tsai (zanyking)
public class ConsistentIdGenerator implements IdGenerator {
private static final AtomicInteger DESKTOP_ID_AINT = new AtomicInteger();
private final IdGenerator innerIdGenerator;
* key="USE_TEST_COMP_UUID_GENERATOR", valueType=boolean
public ConsistentIdGenerator(){
String useTesting = System.getProperty("USE_TEST_COMP_UUID_GENERATOR");
Boolean isUnderTesting = Boolean.FALSE;
isUnderTesting = Boolean.parseBoolean(useTesting);
}catch(Exception e){
//ignore, nothing need to do.
innerIdGenerator = new TestingIdGenerator();
innerIdGenerator = new ProductionIdGenerator();

public String nextComponentUuid(Desktop arg0, Component arg1) {
return innerIdGenerator.nextComponentUuid(arg0, arg1);

public String nextDesktopId(Desktop arg0) {
return innerIdGenerator.nextDesktopId(arg0);

public String nextPageUuid(Page arg0) {
return innerIdGenerator.nextPageUuid(arg0);

private static final String CHAR = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
private static final char[] CHAR_ARR =CHAR.toCharArray();

private static String encodeRadix36(int in){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4);
// almost impossible for a desktop to contain more than 10,000 components.
int inp = in,k,i;
k = inp /CHAR_ARR.length;
i = inp % CHAR_ARR.length;
inp = k;

return sb.reverse().toString();

private static int getAndIncrement(Scope scope, String key){
AtomicInteger aInt = (AtomicInteger) scope.getAttribute(key);
if (aInt == null) {
scope.setAttribute(key, aInt = new AtomicInteger());
int i = aInt.getAndIncrement();
return i;

* @author Ian Tsai(ytsai1)
static class ProductionIdGenerator implements IdGenerator{
private final static String ID_NUMBER = "zk_id_num";

public String nextComponentUuid(Desktop desktop, Component comp) {
String key = ID_NUMBER + comp.getClass().getSimpleName();
int i = getAndIncrement(desktop, key);
String compId = "zc_" + comp.getClass().getSimpleName() +"_"+ i;
return compId;
public String nextDesktopId(Desktop desktop) {
int i = DESKTOP_ID_AINT.getAndIncrement();
String dtid = "Desktop_" + i;
((javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)Executions.getCurrent().getNativeResponse()).setHeader("Desktop", dtid);
return dtid;
public String nextPageUuid(Page page) {
return null;
}//end of class

* @author Ian Tsai(ytsai1)
static class TestingIdGenerator implements IdGenerator{
private static final String KEY_GENERIC_SHORT_NAME = "KEY_GENERIC_SHORT_NAME";
private final static String KEY_UUID_ATOMIC_INT = "KEY_UUID_ATOMIC_INT";
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.IdGenerator#nextComponentUuid(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component)
public String nextComponentUuid(Desktop desktop, Component comp) {

Page page = comp.getPage();
Scope scope = page==null? desktop : page;
String pageUuid = page==null? "pseudo_page" : page.getUuid();

String prefix = enc(comp.getClass().getSimpleName(),
enc(pageUuid, "zc_", desktop, false), desktop, false);

String uuid = prefix + encodeRadix36(getAndIncrement(scope, KEY_UUID_ATOMIC_INT));

return uuid;

* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.IdGenerator#nextDesktopId(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Desktop)
public String nextDesktopId(Desktop desktop) {
int i = DESKTOP_ID_AINT.getAndIncrement();
String dtid = "Desktop_" + i;
((javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)Executions.getCurrent().getNativeResponse()).setHeader("Desktop", dtid);
return dtid;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.IdGenerator#nextPageUuid(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page)
public String nextPageUuid(Page page) {
return null;
* @param name
* @param prefix
* @param scope
* @return
private static String enc(String name, String prefix, Scope scope, boolean disable){
return prefix+name+"_";
StatefulIdEncoder idEncoder = (StatefulIdEncoder) scope.getAttribute(KEY_GENERIC_SHORT_NAME);

if (idEncoder == null) {
idEncoder = new StatefulIdEncoder());
return prefix+idEncoder.encode(name)+"_";

* @author ytsai1
private static class StatefulIdEncoder{
final LinkedList<String> store = new LinkedList<String>();
* @param name
* @return
public String encode(String name){
if(name==null || name.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("StatefulIdEncoder can't encode a null or empty String: "+name);
int counter = 0;
int idx = -1;
for(String temp : store){
idx = counter;
if(idx<0){//if not exist
return encodeRadix36(counter);
}else{// it's exist
return encodeRadix36(idx);
}//end of class...

<window border="normal" title="hello" >

<div>It's impossible to demonstrat the effect in Fiddle, please copy the code to your project and use it.</div>


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answered 2011-11-14 16:05:45 +0800

testuser35 gravatar image testuser35


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Asked: 2010-05-25 06:20:38 +0800

Seen: 3,831 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '11

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