grid column no longer sizeable with mouse drag

asked 2023-02-19 20:51:21 +0800

holos gravatar image holos
41 6

updated 2023-02-19 20:51:38 +0800

I am facing a weird problem - and I do not know when it started to appear:

I always add sizeable="true" to all my list and grid headers.

Now I can no longer resize by dragging the border - but still can double-click to adjust the size accordingly.

I use zk-EE 9.6.1 zk-springboot 2.3.1.

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3 Answers

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answered 2023-02-27 14:54:41 +0800

hawk gravatar image hawk
3250 1 5
http://hawkphoenix.blogsp... ZK Team

When resizing, zk renders an empty div to show resizing line and position: image description

Your css just hide the empty div.

Working with any framework might encounter the same problem you met this time. Since each framwork has its own design and implementation, if you do something custom e.g. adding css, javascript, or Java, you need to be aware that it might break the existing design.

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answered 2023-02-21 10:29:50 +0800

hawk gravatar image hawk
3250 1 5
http://hawkphoenix.blogsp... ZK Team

It could be a client-side issue.

To differentiate it's caused by your environment or a zk bug. I suggest to simplify your grid with the steps below:

  1. please replace your grid's data with some dummy data like "a, b,c"
  2. keep other attribute setting unchanged. Then
  3. run the simplified Grid in https://zkfiddle.org/

If you can reproduce the resizing problem in zkfiddle, then it's a zk bug. Please send us the zkfiddle link. If it's not reproducible, it's caused by your environment.

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answered 2023-02-23 04:56:26 +0800

holos gravatar image holos
41 6

The problem was a style entry:

div:empty {
    display: none;

which caused all grid and listbox to ignore size requests!

We introduced this to get rid of all empty divs generated by macros with no output.

We know there are better ways ... but this is a relict from the days before we started to use ZK-EE.

Unfortunately, this side effect to the behavior of grids/listboxes is not really foreseeable :-(!

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Asked: 2023-02-19 20:51:21 +0800

Seen: 7 times

Last updated: Feb 27 '23

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