how to remove popup with massage "Failed to send requests to server"

asked 2016-07-13 13:03:47 +0800

Danish gravatar image Danish

updated 2016-07-13 13:07:25 +0800

Hi, I am getting popup when Ajax call fails with massage "Failed to send requests to server, The server is temporarily out of service.Would you like to try again?", I replaced popup with console log but after that I am still getting popup but its UI got changed. Please help me to get rid of this popup, I do not want to show this popup. My zk version is 6.5.4

I replace : zAu.confirmRetry = function (msgCode, msg2) { if (msgCode =='FAILEDTORESPONSE' && msg2.match('SyntaxError') !== null) { window.location = './landingPage.go'; return null; } else { var msg = msgzk[msgCode]; return jq.confirm((msg?msg:msgCode)+'\n'+msgzk.TRY_AGAIN+(msg2?'\n\n('+msg2+')':'')); } }


zAu.confirmRetry = function (msgCode, msg2) { if (msgCode =='FAILEDTORESPONSE' && msg2.match('SyntaxError') !== null) { window.location = './landingPage.go'; return null; } else { var msg = msgzk[msgCode];
return console.log((msg?msg:msgCode)+'\n'+msgzk.TRY_AGAIN+(msg2?'\n\n('+msg2+')':'')); } };

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Hi Darksu,

Thanks for your valuable replay, you are right that I should work on error reason but my requirement is to remove this popup massage.

Danish ( 2016-07-14 15:01:39 +0800 )edit

could you please help me to clear some doubts, I found property "The auto-resend-timeout Element" which is default for 200 ms, If I increase to 4000 ms then will this popup can be put on hold for 4 second? how I can use this property?

Danish ( 2016-07-14 15:41:17 +0800 )edit

and I could not find the property to increase number of attempt to call server before showing popup massage, which property I should use to increase number of attempts?

Danish ( 2016-07-14 15:41:31 +0800 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-07-13 21:56:23 +0800

Darksu gravatar image Darksu
1991 1 4

Hello Danish,

In my opinion you should investigate why the error occurs and not try to suppress it.

Also you can configure the zk.xml as shown below:


Best Regards,


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Asked: 2016-07-13 13:03:47 +0800

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: Jul 13 '16

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