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answered 2015-12-15 03:22:18 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

Hi Neus.

since drag and drop initially happens on the client side you can override a client side functions to customize this behavior (

I created a small example to show the basic principle

It uses data-attributes to identify related divs to clone them into the same dragContainer. But any mechanism will work.

I use the client/attribute namespace to set the data attributes, to assign these values from java you can use setClientDataAttribute (or in ZK <=7 setWidgetAttribute)


Hi Neus.

since drag and drop initially happens on the client side you can override a number of client side functions to customize this behavior (

I created a small example to show the basic principle

It uses data-attributes to identify related divs to clone them into the same dragContainer. But any mechanism will work.

I use the client/attribute namespace to set the data attributes, to attributes. To assign these values from java you can use setClientDataAttribute (or in ZK <=7 setWidgetAttribute)


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