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answered 2014-05-01 04:03:58 +0800

cor3000 gravatar image cor3000

It should be (see API docs) this.$supers("doBlur_", arguments); //DON'T FAIL THIS LINE

arguments is an implicit variable in JS that contains all the arguments of the current method call, and so it is easy and save to pass the arguments on to the overridden method.

If you want to pass the arguments explicitly you can use $super() instead of $supers()

I don't know why it works in chrome... anyway the correct usage is with an array of arguments.


It should be (see API docs) )

this.$supers("doBlur_", arguments); //DON'T FAIL THIS LINE


arguments is an implicit variable in JS that contains all the arguments of the current method call, and so it is easy and save to pass the arguments on to the overridden method.

If you want to pass the arguments explicitly you can use $super() instead of $supers()

I don't know why it works in chrome... anyway the correct usage is with an array of arguments.


It should be (see API docs)

this.$supers("doBlur_", arguments); //DON'T FAIL THIS LINE

arguments is an implicit variable in JS that contains all the arguments of the current method call, and so it is easy and save to pass the arguments on to the overridden method.

If you want to pass the arguments explicitly you can use $super() instead of $supers()

I don't know why it works in chrome... anyway the correct usage is with an array of arguments.


It should be (see API docs)

this.$supers("doBlur_", arguments); //DON'T FAIL THIS LINE

arguments is an implicit variable in JS that contains all the arguments of the current method call, and so it is easy and save to pass the arguments on to the overridden method.

If you want to pass the arguments explicitly you can use $super() instead of $supers()

I don't know why it works in chrome... anyway the correct usage is with an array of arguments.


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