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answered 2013-08-14 20:41:25 +0800

phdsong gravatar image phdsong

I was a little bit confused about the question. Now, I realize that this is binding/annotation question.

From ZK Example

ViewModel is as follows:

public class ShirtViewModel {

public List<String> getColors() {
    return ShirtData.getColors();

ZUL code

               <combobox id="cmbColor" width="150px"
                model="@load(vm.colors)" selectedItem="@bind(vm.shirtColor)">
                <template name="model">
                    <comboitem label="@load(each)"
                        image="@load(vm.getIconImage(each))" />

I believe the zul code, @load with List<String>, manages convert List<String> to ListModel<String>. I think Binder kicks in to call some methods to convert them. Anyone knows what part of code does the job?

I was a little bit confused about the question. Now, I realize that this is binding/annotation question.

From ZK Example

ViewModel is as follows:

public class ShirtViewModel {

public List<String> getColors() {
    return ShirtData.getColors();

ZUL code

               <combobox id="cmbColor" width="150px"
                model="@load(vm.colors)" selectedItem="@bind(vm.shirtColor)">
                <template name="model">
                    <comboitem label="@load(each)"
                        image="@load(vm.getIconImage(each))" />

I believe the zul code, @load with List<String>@load(vm.colors) whose colors from List<String> getColors(), manages convert List<String> to ListModel<String>. I think Binder kicks in to call some methods to convert them. Anyone knows what part of code does the job?

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