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answered 2010-02-11 09:45:52 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany


you use cutted pieces of my code. I'm working with a BaseController from where i extend the controllers. And at no time i have worked with several zul-files and ONE controller for it.

I don't know which version you have from the sample app. zksamplegui or Zksample2 If you will have access to the components you must let the controllers know of that. Therefore are so called composers. Implement the Interface afterCompose or extend from a xxxComposer. Please read the docs about Composers.

public class FrontWindow extends Window implements AfterCompose {

    private transient static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FrontWindow.class);

    public void afterCompose() {
         Components.wireVariables(this, this); // auto wire variables
         Components.addForwards(this, this); // auto forward


PS: Can you debug through your events? Set breakpoints

     * default constructor.<br>
    public FrontWindow() {

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("--> super()");
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