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answered 2009-05-15 08:40:25 +0800

hideokidd gravatar image hideokidd


The onInfoChange event may help,

first I declared a variable to store the default opened ginfo, and the other variable to store the current active(opened) ginfo.

  Ginfo defaultGinfo = ....
  Ginfo currentGinfo = defaultGinfo;

Then the onInfoChange will be

<gmaps id="map" width="500px" height="300px">
  <attribute name="onInfoChange">   //fired when a ginfo is closed
     if (self.getInfo() == null){ //you close a ginfo and no other ginfo is opened
                              //the closed ginfo would be currentGinfo      
     else{ //you close a ginfo and another ginfo is opened
    currentGinfo =  self.getInfo();

Please try the example, hope it helps a lot.

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