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answered 2008-11-20 12:29:46 +0800

terrytornado gravatar image terrytornado flag of Germany

@zicardi @robertpic

thanks for the answering. At time technically i cannot copy the code here in. i will do it on evening.

I have several problems/errors at the same time

  1. I work with spring managed beans.
  2. I don't know how to call a spring managed bean methode from a <zscript> </zcsipt> to get my Dialog in a hard way for testing the composer events. When i do it with new Bean() it crashes on the next time i probe the composer event.
  3. yet my listbox looks like a jsf listbox. so the listItems are filled with the foreach=${customerListBean.allCustomer}". The buttons are created on same way.

I cannot test these button events in composer for each row because i cannot give them an id. By doing this after the second row i became an error for duplicate button ids.

I will post the zul-file this evening. and i know this is the false way. but it's my first try. I hope you can put it in a right way. :-)


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