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answered 2023-04-21 14:59:52 +0800

MDuchemin gravatar image MDuchemin

ZK Team

Hey there,

The things I would check in order are:

Is the new window opened as a new browser window? Or does it replace the content of the current window? If it replaces the content of the current window, there is a chance that a navigation event has occured. A navigation event might be triggered by an expired ZK session, an expired security token (if you are using a security layer such as spring security), or by a response sending a navigation command.

Is this new page / URL something you open on purpose? Or is it open automatically, and you currently don't know why? The URL in the new window looks like an authentication / login thing. You may have a security layer in your application that intercepts specific requests.

If you are not opening this URL on purpose, then something must be opening it for you. I recommend using the client developer tools, network panel. In the network panel, after you were able to reproduce the issue, check for any response which may contain code such as, or containing this URL. If you find which response triggers this window, then it will be easier to identify why it is opened.

Lastly, I'd recommend checking the tomcat logs, to see if you find any error which could have caused a 404 response. I think most tomcat errors should end up causing an error page with something like "internal error" rather than 404, but if something goes wrong early enough, it is possible that no servlet is actually listening to this URL.

Hey there,

The things I would check in order are:

Is the new window opened as a new browser window? Or does it replace the content of the current window? If it replaces the content of the current window, there is a chance that a navigation event has occured. A navigation event might be triggered by an expired ZK session, an expired security token (if you are using a security layer such as spring security), or by a response sending a navigation command.

Is this new page / URL something you open on purpose? Or is it open automatically, and you currently don't know why? The URL in the new window looks like an authentication / login thing. You may have a security layer in your application that intercepts specific requests.

If you are not opening this URL on purpose, then something must be opening it for you. I recommend using the client browser developer tools, tools > network panel. In the network panel, after you were able to reproduce the issue, check for any response which may contain code such as, or containing this URL. If you find which response triggers this window, then it will be easier to identify why it is opened.

Lastly, I'd recommend checking the tomcat logs, to see if you find any error which could have caused a 404 response. I think most tomcat errors should end up causing an error page with something like "internal error" rather than 404, but if something goes wrong early enough, it is possible that no servlet is actually listening to this URL.

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