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answered 2021-03-05 16:54:58 +0800

MDuchemin gravatar image MDuchemin

ZK Team

Hi there.

This structure will generate an infinite loop of cascading proxy objects. A product has a collection of prices, which in turn refer to the product, which refer to the price, etc.

You have to choose a point at which to use the actual object instead of a proxy. For example, you can decide that the proxy object targets "real" price objects instead of proxy prices. You can use the @immutable and @immutableelements annotations to do so.

See an example in fiddle.

Hi there.

This structure will generate an infinite loop of cascading proxy objects. A product has a collection of prices, which in turn refer to the product, which refer to the price, etc.

You have to choose a point at which to use the actual object instead of a proxy. For example, you can decide that the proxy object targets "real" price objects instead of proxy prices. You can use the @immutable and @immutableelements annotations to do so.

See an example in fiddle.

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